Check Engine Light

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"Everything you've ever known, and loved is on the line because of you right now. So you better make this right." My brother and best friend Michael tells me.


A. J. Strange loves to race, rather it's through running, or anything with Wheels, She wants to be the fastest. Speed is basically in her blood. She's been racing since she can remember, her father being the one to teach her, starting out small, with toy motor car races between her and her brother, when they were toddlers. Too drive cars as fast as they can go, and have as much control as they can have. Racing is everything she's ever known.

Her family owns "Strange Racing" race track. As a kid all she ever wanted to do was be one of the competing racers out there ever other Saturday. On their off days, when the track would be closed, and no one was renting it for practice. Her and her brother would race their go-karts, and she couldn't wait to be able to do the real thing.

Unfortunately she's not a little kid anymore, she's sixteen in her junior year. She's fallen in with a bad crowd, and didn't realize that illegal street races probably weren't the best idea. After a few bad races, the track ends up on the line, and now it's up to her to get back.

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