Broken Heart Collector

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Rixxton is a cupid, but cupid's aren't what you think. They're winged creatures who feed off the energy of a broken Heart. Often times setting traps for their victims, they'll lead a couple to fall in love, only to tear them apart. The stronger the love, the more broken the heart, bigger the energy.  The really talented Cupid's know patience, they can set up a broken heart so elaborate that more than just the couple will end up broken.  Cupid's are responsible for all kinds of heart breaks, from first crush rejections to divorce, they cause it all.

Rixxton comes from a long line of great cupid's, the youngest of five brothers, its finally his time to join the fame. He's vowed to make one of the most elaborate heartbreaks, in such a short time that it'll go down in the record books. His plan, find two people, who desperately need another person in their life to save the other. Two people that an entire town would root for to be together. Allow them to be together just long enough to say the words "I love you," just long enough for everyone they know to be convinced that they belong together. Then with a snap of his fingers, tear them apart, take away all their dreams, the thing that gives them light in their life. Cause so much pain that their broken hearts would last a lifetime.

His plan was going perfect, he just had to find his subjects. Then came along Harper Dixxi, at first he thought she was perfect for his plan, but soon he starts to realize that she just might be perfect for him. Except he's already set his plan into action, she's already falling in love with another guy, and he's  watching helplessly from the sidelines knowing that she'll never be the same person again if he follows through with his plan. Now he has to decide to let her live happily ever after, or break her. The thing he could never see coming, was that he'd be the one with the broken heart, regardless of the choice he makes.

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