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It's will be so good to the get another person in place of person you lost. That is what now Niha had. She lost her mother but now the place got filled by Naina.

Though she met only Naina today, Niha can feel the bond between them. She was having a motherly feeling from her.

Both of them talked about many matters. Naina showed Niha many photos of Sanjay. One caught Niha's attention.

It was chidhood pic of Sanjay. He looked so different in that pic. Niha thought it was someone else until Naina told it was him.

He was so chubby in that pic. Nothing like present. He was hot, arrogant with perfectly sculptured body. But, in past he looked like a innocent child. Niha's thoughts got interrupted by Naina's words.

" Its Sanju's childhood pic. He used to be cute. So everyone used to call him ladoo(Indian sweet)," Niha burst out into laughter. She was unable to control her laughter.

Suddenly, she found Sanjay standing beside her.
He shouted at her,
" Can you stop it? Your voice is irritating. "

Niha made her posture upright at his outburst, stopped laughing and staring at him.

What's surprising was Naina's words. she said,
" Don't you dare to yell at her. She is my daughter in law. She can laugh as much as she wants. It's my house. I don't have any trouble then what's your problem."

Sanjay was shocked at his mother's reaction which was same as Niha's. Niha hugged her saying," I love you ma, you are the best." Sanjay didn't know what to do.

His mother was supporting Niha instead of him. His mother won't like someone in short time. But now, after seeing her support to Niha, Sanjay concluded Naina liked Niha.

Naina's words infuriated Sanjay the most. He turned towards Niha and said,"Let's leave."

Naina interrupted them," Why will you leave? You visited your mother after a long time. Even after your visit, you went directly into your room. You didn't even bother to talk me. At least, Niha is talking to me. Why do you insist to take her?"

Sanjay could understand his mother's sadness. Because of his anger on his father, he didn't visit his house. He knew Naina missed him a lot. But, what matter to him was his was his anger. He didn't want to make his mother sad further. So, he agreed to stay.

Naina went towards kitchen followed by Niha. Both went into the kitchen fetched the food items and placed them on dining table.

Niha noticed Sanjay and krishna already sat there opposite to one another. Both of them throwing daggers at each other.

Naina sat beside Krishna. Niha was about to sit beside Naina to get interrupted by Sanjay's voice. He ordered her to sit beside him. Naina and krishna were laughing at each other. Niha's cheeks were burning red.

A person came and started serving them. Being hungry, Niha started digging onto her food. She heard murmering beside her, " Behave yourself."

Niha made herself proper. Suddenly, she noticed pain in her left arm. It was because of Sanjay as he pinched her.

"It's paining," Niha murmured.
" Don't dare to act sweet to my mom," Sanjay hissed and left her.

" First eat. Both of you have lot of time to talk. Eat first," Naina commented .

Niha thought," What is he thinking? Trying to control me. In his dreams. " She wanted to avenge him. She found laddos on the table. Amazing idea stuck in her mind to tease him.

" Mom, Can I have ladoos?I love them,"Niha asked teasingly.
" Sure," Naina didn't get what Niha is upto.
Sanjay understood Niha's inner sarcasm. Sanjay turned towards her irritated.

"What? Want some," Niha offered one innocently. By now, his anger was radiating out from his body. Niha knew today she was going to face his anger. But, she was in extreme happy mode.

Sanjay was barely controlling himself. If looks could kill, Niha would be died by now.
"Shut up. Just eat," he hissed angrily making sure only Niha could hear.

After completion of lunch, Sanjay dragged Niha immediately.

Naina asked," Where are you taking her? Leave her."
" It's between me and her. So, stop supporting her," he hissed and dragged along.

The old couple were left behind.
" Niha is the correct one to control him. This is the only correct thing he did," Krishna told to Naina.

" Stop finding wrongs in him. It's just past. I liked Niha a lot," Naina said proudly about Niha.

Niha's short revenge got bit on Sanjay's nerve. He banged Niha to the near wall. She was about to curse him but stood silent identifying his anger.
" Now tell me. What happened to the smart tongue of yours? Did Cat caught your tongue ? You kept blabbering at the table. What happened now," Sanjay gripped Niha shoulders.

" Leave me sanjay."
" Don't you dare talk back to me. You are just a waste paper in my life but you are acting as you own it. If you just talk like that you should bear consequences. Did you understand?"

She nodded her head.
" In words."
"Come let's leave."

He dragged her out and came across to Naina and Krishna.
" We're leaving. Marriage is going to be held in Saturday."

This made the remaining three persons suprise.
"Are you joking?" Krishna asking.

" Why will I be joking?" Sanjay asked blankly.
Naina interrupted them, " It's his wish. Just let it happen."

"It's my life. I have done as you told. Just let it happen how I want," Sanjay replied.
"Ok as you wish," Krishna retorted.

Sanjay took Niha along with him. The journey was silent. Sanjay stopped infront of Niha's house. Niha opened the car door to exit but she turned back.

"Don't ever think that I will change the date of marriage," Sanjay commented.

"What?" Sanjay was surprised at her reply.

"Because of you I got a valuable person in my life to fill my mother's place," Niha replied smiling widely.
She got out of the car and started walking.

Sanjay was looking at the retreating figure. Her smiling face occupied his brain. He then noticed her with wide eyes.

" Oh god! Damn. She is looking hot in her red saree which further elevated her features. Her skin at back visible was making me lose control. " His eyes reached down and settled on her ass. His mind was giving him several thoughts of having her. His composure became stiff at his thoughts.

" Shut the fuck up. She is just playing with your mind," he scolded himself and left to his house. He was sure that he definitely need a cold shower.

Niha kept wondering why he wanted to marry her that much quickly. She didn't know how to explain to his brother. Though Varun knows them, it's big step in her life which was happening without her brother's interference.

She knew Varun will be ok with what she said but being her only brother he had some expectations on her. So. She feared how her brother takes the matter.

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