A Normal Day

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It was just another boring day at school as usual. Exams were coming up, and everybody is busying themselves with books. Well, except for some students like, Junko Enoshima, for example. They usually would just play on their phones, not even caring about their scores.

"Shuichi!" The blonde haired girl called out to her boyfriend. "What's wrong? You seem out of it?"

"Ah! It's nothing." He replied back with a gentle, reassuring tone.

"If you say so." The blonde pianist brushes it off, she then continues studying for the exams.

Shuichi, then continues with his novel. He was thinking about a certain purple haired boy in their class, Kokichi Ouma. He heard that he was one of the smartest kids in class. Unlike Kokichi, Shuichi is liked by many in the class. Kokichi was more on the hated side. People bully him for no particular reason, but he was never bothered by it.

+~Side: Kokichi~+

The Supreme leader was hanging out with his usual group of friends which consisted of, Rantaro, Korekiyo, Kiibo, and Tsuki. They usually hung out a lot, but school's been overworking them.

Right now, they are sitting at their usual spot, under the sakura tree at the back of the school.

"So, how are everyone's studies doing?" Tsuki said to break the silence. Rantaro and Korekiyo were just fighting about a little thing. They reminded Kokichi of his old friends. Sadly, Kokichi had to leave them because he had to move to Japan.

"Some as ever." Rantaro answered back, boredom evident in his tone.

Tsuki could only chuckle nervously at the reply. "How's yours, Kokichi?" He asked, questionably.

"Fine, I guess." He answered.

"'Fine.'?" Kiibo said back. "Your scores are the best in the class, right now!"

"I think so too." Korekiyo agreed.

"Lets focus on passing for now." Rantaro cut in, clearly annoyed. He seemed to have had a bad day.

Just as Tsuki was about to say something, the bell rang. They all parted ways, and went back to their classes.

When Kokichi got to the class, he went straight to his usual seat. Behind the classroom. He's someone who's not really......noticed. It really doesn't bother him that much, though. He was use to it. None of his friends were in his class. People in his classroom mostly talks to him to help their studies, or don't talk to him at all. For that reason, he never really considered them 'friends'.

Then, the teacher came in. He really wasn't paying attention for what she was saying, because had already read quite a lot of books to know just enough for the exams.

After some more classes, it was finally time for him to go home. But, a certain someone came to stop him.

"Kokichi?" The white haired boy said to get the other's attention.

"Ah!" Kokichi jumped a little at the sudden greeting.

The ultimate astrologist chuckled a little. "Did you think I was Shuichi or something?"

"Hm?" The purple haired tilted his head a little, showing signs of confusion.

"Nothing. Anyways, everyone already left." Kokichi decided to ignore what he just said, and looked around the room. He was right. Everyone did already leave.

Kokichi stuffed his things into his bag, and ran after Tsuki. Then, he starts thinking about what he said before.

"Shuichi..." He mumbled quietly to himself. "Tsuki, were you talking about Shuichi Saihara from my class?"

"Oh~" He said dragging the 'o'. "So, you do remember him!"

Truth be told, Tsuki moved with Kokichi to Japan. Back then, they were just seat mates, but their relationship has grown stronger.

"What's so strange about that?" Kokichi asked, curiously. "He is one of the most adored students in our school."

Tsuki's turned from surprised, to an understanding face. Kokichi never really knew what he was thinking, even though they've been with each other for years. "You really don't remember, huh?" He mumbled. The leader couldn't hear what he was saying because of the crowded halls. Sure, most people went home, but some of them were still there because of the rain. Tsuki took out his raincoat, and puts it on. Then, he handed an umbrella to Kokichi. "Sorry, I didn't have another raincoat." He said, sadly.

"It's fine." Kokichi said as he opened the umbrella.

They started walking back home with each other. Both Kokichi and Tsuki likes the rain. Tsuki's reason was because of the cool breeze, the smell of the rain, the sound of it and the feeling of rain on his skin. Kokichi's reason was because it has the tendency to cheer him up. It may look sad and gloomy, but that's just another reason why he likes it. You could say it comforts him.

After some time, they made it to Kokichi's home. "I'll see you tomorrow then!" Tsuki said cheerfully before running further into the street to get to his home. Kokichi opened the door and walked in, and went straight to his room. He sat down on his chair and started writing

17 September 2019....

+~Side: Shuichi~+

I woke up to the sounds of birds chirping. I was pretty relaxed, but that couldn't last long could it? When his first class started, homework was thrown right in his face. His balance was no more. He was frustrated with how he had to finish it today. 'WHAT'S THE POINT IN CALLING IT 'HOME'WORK IF YOU DO IT AT SCHOOL!?' He thought.

It was finally lunch time. While he was walking to his usual spot with his lunch. Kaede saw him. The pianist quickly ran over to him, hugging him from behind. "Shuichi!" She screamed into his ear.

"Kaede, where did you come from?"

"Lets just go and eat before time runs out" She avoided the question. She pulled Shuichi and quickly ran off with him.

While running, Shuichi thought he saw someone with purple-ish hair. It looks like he fell down or something. He was trying to pick up his books. Shuichi wanted to help but Kaede was running too fast.

+~Side: Tsuki~+

Tsuki was laughing silently at how badly Shuichi's day got tipped over.
"It's not really a good day for Virgo, is it" He said between laughs.

The rest of the day was the same as yesterday

The rain

The route

When Kokichi and Tsuki gets to Kokichi's home they say their goodbyes.

"Hey, Kokichi?" Tsuki suddenly stops while he was starting to run. "Be careful tomorrow." A caring smile crept onto his face.

"Someone might try and get in your way."

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