As long as I'm with you, Moya

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While walking to school, Tsuki saw Kokichi walking by himself so, he ran to catch up with him. But, the next moment he saw that someone ran into Kokichi.

"I'm terribly sorry!" The boy in black said. The horoscope lover couldn't tell who it was, because of how far away he was. He ran over to him as quickly as possible.

"Kokichi!" He yelled to get the leader's attention, which seemed to work. "Are you ok!?"

"Y-yeah, I guess." He replied.

"I really didn't mean to bump into you!" The other, who Tsuki can now identify as, Shuichi Saihara, apologized quickly. "I was hurrying too much."

"It's fine. My names Kokichi Ouma. Nice to meet you." Kokichi said with a smile.

"My name's Shuichi Saihara."

For some reason, that name made Kokichi's heart skip a beat. He ignored it. "You're in the same class as me, right?"

"Oh yeah! We are." Shuichi said as he just realized that.

Kokichi opened his mouth to say something, but he was cut off by yelling.

"There you are, Shuichi!" A blonde haired girl yelled, which Tsuki recognized immediately as, Kaede Akamatsu.

Tsuki sends her a glare, which Kaede returns.

"You shouldn't be hanging out with them, Shuichi!" She complained, not stopping the glaring competition between her and cat eyes.

"Why's that?" Shuichi asked, clearly confused.

"He's the one who's been bullying me." She whispered, pointing at Kokichi, crocodile tears filling her purple-pink eyes.

Shuichi's eyes widens as he quickly grabbed Kaede's wrist and ran away from them. Unknowing to Shuichi, Kaede glanced back, revealing a mischievous grin. She knew Kokichi heard that, but she didn't expect him to be this still.

"That little-." Tsuki tried to run after them, but Kokichi stopped him. "Kokichi?" He said turning around.

"It's fine, really." Kokichi said showing a smile. Tsuki still kept the worried expression on his face. He was really worried about his leader.

Kokichi started picking up his things, and continued on with his morning. "We should get going before we're late." He said as he started walking away.

Tsuki lets out a sigh. "At least now I know who to keep him away from." He murmured to himself.


Tsuki started walking to the tree, he and his friends sit at, but was stopped by a certain someone.

"Hey! Sakura!" Tsuki turned only to be met with the pianist herself.

"Ugh, what do you want?" He said clearly annoyed. She doesn't answers him and starts pulling him to a place where nobody usually goes to. When they get there, Kaede immediately pins Tsuki to the wall.

"Listen up! Shuichi is mine! If anybody gets in my way, I will get rid of them."
She said in a threatening tone. Tsuki was startled and slightly scared.

"What's going on here?" A voice that the male was familiar with said.

"Oniisan!" Tsuki said before quickly running behind him.

"I told you to stop calling me that." Hoshi said, clearly annoyed. "Anyways, what the heck are you doing to my brother?"

Kaede pouted. "Fine. I'll let you go for now." Then she starts walking away.

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