I promise, Kokichi

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Kokichi woke up in a room he hasn't seen before, he tried recalling the events last night 'Ah! Right, I accidentally fell asleep, but where am I?' Just then the door opened revealing a teal haired boy.

"Kokichi! You're up!" He said with a warm smile.

"Shuichi? What am I doing here?" He said confused, as the taller walked in with sausages and fried eggs, along with hot cocoa.

"You fell asleep, and since I didn't know where you lived I brought you to my home instead." as Shuichi talked, Kokichi started eating his meal.

"This is pretty good for someone like you, Shuichi." Kokichi said after swallowing, then took a few more bites.

Shuichi smiled a little, seeing as the compliment came from him. "Thanks, I guess?" Shuichi said, still smiling. He then stood up "After you've finished your breakfast, you can go take a bath. You can also borrow some of my old clothes." He then started exiting the room. After Kokichi finished his meal he did as the detective asked.

He stared at all the different types of clothes in front of him. It took him a while to choose, but he went for a white shirt and a black skirt. He wore a light blue hoodie over the white shirt. He then proceeded to walk down the stairs.

"Since when did you wear skirts, Shuichi?" Kokichi asked.

"It was for a play I had some years ago." Shuichi answered. Earning an 'o' sound from Kokichi.

"Y'know, there was a kid back in my old school who also had to wear shorts for some play." Kokichi commented.

"Hmm? What play was it?" Shuichi asked.

"Well, it was more of a role play since the teacher was obsessed with this anime." He said, then after a while said "I believe the anime was called, 'Assassination Classroom' or something like that. That guy had to play the role of Nagisa Shiota or someone whose name was kinda like that." He then showed a sad smile. "I was pretty close to him, but ever since I moved I've never contacted them ever again."

There was silence after that. After a while, Shuichi decided to break it. "Hey want to go to the mall with me today?" Shuichi asked. He got a 'sure, why not?" in return.


The pair started walking around the mall with no goal set in mind. After a while, Kokichi spotted an accessory store. He started running into it, leaving behind a very confused Shuichi. After a while, he came back with necklaces. One was a locket type, necklace. The only weird thing was that there was a small, lock like, hole where you're supposed to open it. The other was a normal necklace with a key like structure on the end. The head of a key is a blue flower with a deep meaning.

"What's this for?" Shuichi asked, confused. He saw Kokichi smile a little.

"This will be a sign of our friendship." He said with a smile. It then turned into a frown. "You'll accept it.....right?" He pulled off a sad face.

Shuichi chuckled, which made Kokichi a little surprised. "Of course I will." He said as he took the one with the lock and starts putting it on. "I won't ever leave you, Kokichi. No matter what happens, I'll be by your side." He said with a sincere smile. He then pulled Kokichi into a tight hug.

After walking around for a while, Kokichi told the other, "I'll be going home now, I kinda have some work that I didn't finish." before walking away.

When Kokichi got home, he rushed to his room and jumped onto his bed, screaming into the pillow. He was still flustered after seeing Shuichi smile
. It warmed his heart, but hurt his lungs, knowing that he has a girlfriend.

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