The Biltmore Hotel

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(AUTHOR'S NOTE): Oh, would you look at this! Another video based chapter. This took me over a month to write and it's about 5,000 words. I'm really proud of this chapter and I don't feel like I could make this plot any better. SO I did take inspiration from the Biltmore Hotel video (the first time they went). But I switched it up a bit just to make it mine own. It obviously is not the exact same as the video. I hope you guys enjoy this chapter! Let me know what you think in the comments and if you want more of these because they take a long time to write. :) (Also go me, two chapters two days in a row?! I'm killing it! Don't get used to it though ;)

Your POV:

If you had a dollar for every time Sam and Colby made you do something you didn't want to do, you'd be rich. If Sam and Colby wanted you to jump off a bridge with them, it wouldn't take much for you to say yes. They are your best friends and you would do anything for them. But this time, you don't want to go with them. This time, you say no over and over again and they keep asking.

"Please!" Sam begs you as he follows you around your apartment as you get ready.

"Hmm let me think about And the answer will be no, it will always be no. Today it will be no, tomorrow it will be no, next week it will be no. No. No. No. No." You say as you grab your curling iron.

"Why not? You have done so much other stuff with us. Come on; I'll be there, Colby will be there, Jake will be there, and Corey will be there. We will have fun, all of us together. All you have to do is say yes." Sam says. You're barely listening mainly because you are focused on not burning yourself with the hot curling iron, but also because you are just tired of hearing Sam talk about it. Sam wants you to go to the Biltmore hotel with him and 'the gang' but honestly, you're terrified to go. It is one of the most haunted hotels in the country. It doesn't matter if you're with a group of people, it's still super haunted. This hotel is known for one of the most famous murders ever, The Black Dahlia.

You know a lot about this hotel and this true crime case because you spend your days researching this kind of stuff for your YouTube channel. After researching it all the time and knowing a bunch of creepy details about it, you really don't want to go. Lately, you've been in a funk. You don't like where your channel is headed. You also have been really struggling to just simply enjoy things. You're scared almost every night because you know the terrible things that happen to people especially when they're alone. You know your friends know and you know you can talk to them whenever. There wasn't much to talk about though, you're just sick of feeling this way.

"Sam, look, I really appreciate you guys always asking me to do things with you and including me; but I think I need to sit this one out. It isn't like I don't want to have fun; I just am tired of being freaked out all the time." You say in a meaningful way. You hope Sam understands and leaves you alone. "Remember last week? I called Colby because I thought someone broke into my house and turns out it was just my dog." You reminded him hoping he would realize he didn't want to deal with that anymore.

He chuckles and shake his head. "What if I promise it won't be super scary?" Sam asks passionately. You can't believe that he won't just drop the subject. Now that you think about it, it would suck to be just sitting at home while your best friends are doing something cool. But you know Sam can't promise that it won't be super scary. You know he can't control if you and your friends see a demon or not. It is worth a try though.

After a few moments of contemplating, you sigh. "Fine. I'll go. Mostly because I want you to stop asking me but I also don't want to be all alone either. But if it gets too scary or dangerous; I'm done. I'm walking out and leaving. Understand?" You can't believe that after a month of asking if you'll come with, Sam finally got you to say yes.

Sam and Colby Oneshots/Imagines Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat