Lover (Colby Brock)

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Sorry I haven't been updating. School has taken over my life. I have winter break soon I just have to make it through finals. Also, this chapter is a little bit cringey so if you don't like it, I understand. Hopefully new chapters coming soon. Enjoy :).

It's been 12 months since you have found your happiness again. It's been 12 months of joy and feeling loved. It's been the best 12 months of your life. It's been 12 months since you have started dating Colby Brock. He is the light of your life and the one person who can turn your worst day around to the best day. You two complete each other and everyone who is around both of you knows it. They see the sparkle in your eyes when you look at Colby. They see the smile on Colby's face when he thinks or talks about you. You always thought boyfriends and love was ridiculous, but Colby changed that. He opened your eyes and showed you that love isn't a jail of commitment and heartbreak. Of course, you have your ups and downs, but what couple doesn't? You couldn't be happier with Colby and he couldn't be happier with you. Considering you both have been so busy; you didn't get to celebrate your 12 months on the actual date. Honestly, you didn't really think about celebrating it until Colby brought it up yesterday afternoon.

"I hope you aren't busy tomorrow..." He said casually as if you were already supposed to know what that meant.

"I'm not...Why?" You asked suspiciously. Colby has a way of being mysterious about such things and it really bothers you. You have to know what is going on at all times.

"Well, we have been dating for 12 months; I thought we could celebrate." He said obviously knowing more than he was sharing.

He looked at you and smirked, "So, are you busy?"

You chuckled softly, "No Colby, I'm not busy tomorrow." Colby was so excited he was practically jumping up and down. You knew you were in for a treat.

Now it is 9:30 in the morning, much earlier than you would like to get up, and Colby was going to be picking you up any minute. You still had no idea where you were going or what you were doing, which could be...concerning. You hear a knock on your apartment door and then the sound of it opening.

"Why knock if you are just going to open the door anyway?" You shout from your bathroom.

He laughs and shakes off your comment, "Are you almost ready?" He says.

"Do I look almost ready?" You said as you turn to him with half of your makeup done.

"I think you look...perfect." He exclaims sweetly and then proceeds to kiss you.

You smile and look at your phone and then you look at your face in the mirror. "Give me 5 minutes."

Colby nods and walks out of your bathroom and jumps onto your couch as he waits.

After you are done getting ready you see Colby on your couch and can't help but smile. You know he is the man for you. Some people may say that a year is too early, but your friends always say 'when you know, you know' and you know he is right for you.

"Okay, I'm ready." You still aren't sure what you are doing today which terrifies you a bit. Colby can be extreme and he does things on impulse, which sometimes leads to trouble. Yet you still trust him.

"Good, you look...amazing" He says. You look down at your outfit. A tee shirt and leggings; not the most impressive outfit. Colby told you not to wear anything super special, just what you always wear. You thought it was weird, but you didn't say anything.

"This is what I wear every day, nothing special." You say plainly and shrugged.

"It's special to me." Colby says and reaches for your hand to hold. You grab his hand and walk to his car.

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