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Skylar's POV

"Oh my God, Chicks!" I exclaimed in surprise.

Partly in absolute horror too.

How was one supposed to react if you just came back to your apartment after a long, tiring day of classes, and couldn't find your cat? Worried, yes. That's what anyone would be.

I tried calling out for her, scared that maybe, just maybe she'd jumped out of an opened window or something while I was gone. But then I heard a faint meow. And another one (a much louder one) from right above the tall kitchen cabinet.

I almost shat my pants. Jumped in fright too.

"How in the hell did you get up there?" I exclaimed, pressing a hand over my heart.

Chicken eyed me with her beady, innocent little eyes. There was no way she could've gotten up there without any help. Unless she somehow knew how to climb walls now.

"If you're somehow possessed by a demon, Chicken, I'm not touching you for the rest of your life," I told her. She mewled loudly in response.

"I'm kidding! Geez." I groaned and pulled one of the stools lining the tiny kitchen island in front of the tall cabinet. "You're the love of my life, come on. I wouldn't ever leave you alone. Not even if you get possessed."

Getting on top of the stool and standing on it, I reached out for her with my outstretched hands, beckoning her closer. "Come on, now. There you go--fuck!"

Chicken growled, which sounded more like she was pissed, and lunged right at my face.

What happened next must be pretty obvious.

I stumbled back, the stool rattled and gave way beneath my feet, and both Chicken and I tumbled down on the floor with a really loud thud.

"Aw shit." I moaned, closing my eyes shut at the pain in my back.

I heard a door opening and then closing. I didn't have to look up to see who it was.

"What the fuck just happened?" Nova, my not-so-nice roommate, asked. I couldn't blame her for her lack of friendliness though. As far as I knew, she had classes all morning and a part-time job the rest of the day. If I were her, I'd want an apartment all to myself too.

"Guess yourself." I groaned once again. Chicken, on the other hand, just licked my face as if apologizing for the little act she'd pulled just seconds ago.

"If I had a cat like that, I'd've dumped her ages ago." Nova pointed out before stepping over my legs and opening the fridge. She had her dark brown curls up in a messy bun that looked nowhere near messy to me.

I knew what messy really was. Which Nova really wasn't. She was beautiful. Especially with all that tanned glory and her honey-coloured eyes. She was just about my age, went to the same college as me too, and it had been kind of her to offer me a place in this apartment--however small it may be. I actually didn't care as long as I had a place to sleep.

This place was also a whole lot better than those crappy college dorms.

I did sometimes miss home back in New York. But sometimes I really didn't. The house back in Crestmont used to always be empty whenever I was there. At least here I wasn't alone twenty-four hour seven. Usually, that is.

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