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Skylar's POV

"Fuck off, Kyle." I gritted out, shoving him off to the side when he tried slinging his arm around me. "Can you try not to invade my personal space like a decent human being?"

Kyle raised his hands in surrender and laughed--which, as I was starting to learn, was his way of pissing me off.

"You make me sound like a perv."

"No." I corrected him. "You're actually a damn lunatic who also happens to be a pervert."

"A damn lunatic who made your night a heck lot better than..." He waved his hand in the air, giving me a knowing wink. "You get me."

"At this point, Kyle," I said, "sulking back in my apartment would've been a lot less tiring."

"But there wouldn't have been no ice skating." He pointed out, once again shrugging an arm around my shoulders. This time, though, I let him.

I wish he was wrong. But he wasn't. Even though I was really looking forward to sleeping the rest of the night away, tonight had been nice. Even Chicken had enjoyed herself too.

Not that it mattered, I reminded myself. It had just been one night. Tomorrow was going to be the same as it'd been this morning and this afternoon and this evening before Nova had dragged me out.

It was all going to remain the same. Maybe for a long long time. Maybe Caden would decide this was for the better. And maybe he would choose to stay away.

I looked down at Chicken and shrugged at her little meow. Guess I deserved one more night of self-pity. Chicken meowed again, wriggling in my arms before opening her mouth wide open, as if saying, no you don't.

I patted her on the head.

"Do you usually have silent conversations with your pet monster?" Kyle inquired.

I shoved him again, much more harshly this time. "That's my cat you're talking about, you lunatic."

Before Kyle could've said something--pled for guilty, I assume--Nova yelped from a little ahead of us, stopping at the gates of our apartment building.

"Oh, fuck, you guys!" She scrambled out her phone.

"And why," Kyle asked, "would you wanna fuck us both?"

I gave him a disturbed glance.

"Jessica is calling me." Her eyes were wide now. I was a bit surprised because I don't think I took her as the type to get scared over a prank-gone wrong so easily.

"How do you know that's her?" Was what I asked, tiredly rubbing my eyes. God, what would I not do for some sleep right now? "What's even the time right now? Night? Midnight? Late midnight?"

Kyle went over and peeked at her phone. A grin broke across his lips--one that only spoke volumes of trouble.

"She's got her number saved." He told me.

I blinked, then stared at Nova. "And what are you implying by that, Kyle?"

Nova looked up and her face reddened a little, which was loads more suspicious, before glaring at Kyle.

"Shut up, you hear me?"

"Do I?" He smiled. I rolled my eyes.

Nova cursed and answered the call, walking away from us and towards the apartment stairs.

"I feel like I'm the only one--"

Kyle cut me off. "Why does your pet monster look like it's seen a demon?"

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