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Angelique was doing her work, cleaning up Josette's room. The doornob turned and the servant watched as her mistress walked into.

"Good evening Mademoiselle. ", said Angelique with a friendly smile.

Josette looked at Angelique and ran over to give her a hug. She stepped back and took her maid servants hands with a smile.

"Good evening, Angelique. Its been a fantastic evening. Barnabas took me on a walk earlier.", replied Josette.

Angelique flinched when she heard Barnabas's name. She let out a smile and hugged her again. Josette turned around. Angelique felt herself become sick and the next thing she knew was she fainted.

Josette turned around and saw her and let out a terrifying scream. The woman dropped onto the ground and shook Angelique to wake her up.


Angelique was sat down in her bed with a male doctor almost in her face.  She moved her head back, startled.

"How are you feeling?", the doctor asked.

Angelique looked at hik and laid her head down on her pillow to relax herself.

"I feel sick to my stomache and very very drowsy.", she admitted.

The doctor looked at her.

"Well there seems to be nothing wrong with you, but I might have a theory of whats wrong.", he replied.

Angelique shot her head up with confusion.

"And what do you think that is?", Angelique asked.

The doctor looked at her with a smile. He stood up and looked walked around a bit to stretch his legs for a moment. He walked back over to her bed.

"I think you might be pregnant. Or is there a possiblity that your not?", he said.

Angelique knew then and there what was wrong with her. She was expecting a baby and not just any baby, Barnabas Collins's baby.

The doctor looked at her with a smile once again and padded the womans leg.

"Then congradulations Angelique on your baby. Do you want me to tell Josette?", he said.

Angelique shook her head, wanting to tell her mistress herself. He nodded and left the room. He heard voices in the hallway and then Josette rushed in.

"Your not dying are you?", Josette asked.

Angelique looked at her, frowning and her mistress looked at her with wide eyes. Angelique let out a smile, wanting to get up, but decided not to.

"No I'm not dying, but i might. Im pregnant.", she replied with a smile.

Josette let out an excited squeal and gave her maid servant a giant hug. She looked at her after a while with confusion.

"Whos the father?", asked Josette.

Angelique looked at Josette not wanting to tell her who the father was.

"Its a man that left to go back to america.", she said, not saying the whole truth.

She wanted to tell Barnabas on her own and would do so later on in the night.


Barnabas was sitting in a chair in his room when there was a knock on the door. He stood up, expecting it to be Angelique and it was. Angelique walked into the room. He starred at her with concern.

"I heard that you fainted are you alright?", he asked.

Angelique saw the concern in her lovers eyes. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him.

"Th edoctor said that there was nothing wrong with me and that it's normal for an expecting mother. ", she replied hinting of her pregnancy.

Barnabas took her arms off from around his neck and picked her up. He twirled her around.

"This is fantastic news. Im going to be a father.", he said, giving her a big long kiss.

Barnabas put her down and let out a yawn. He was busy all day and so now he was tired. Angelique looked at him and gently guided him to his bed. The woman watched him climb into bed.

Angelique grabbed the covers and put it over him. He snuggled into his bed with his head on his pillow. Angelique was just about to leave when he pulled her ontk the bed.

"This is our last night together. Won't you stay with me.", Barnabas whispered.

Angelique nodded and climbed into the bed with him. Barnabas pulled her to him and he placed his head gently on her belly. Angelique felt a little uncomfortable, but let him for his last night with her and their unborn baby.

"Daddy's going to leave tomorrow and we'll be together in 8 months.", he whispered, giving Angelique's belly a kiss.

Angelique felt him bring his head up and rest it on her shoulder. Barnabas gave her a kiss and placed his head on his pillow. Angelique lowered herself to where she was right underneath his arm. He wrapped his arm around her and let out a yawn.

"Goodnight my darling.", whispered Barnabas.

Angelique snuggled down and rested her head on his chest, breathing in his scent.

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