Chapter 1

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Angelique had decided to walk up to the old house after the carriage got stuck in the mud. It wasn't healthy for her unborn baby to be out in this rain, but it would be worse to sit there and wait. She just had to go get somebody to help out.

"Don't worry darling. We're almost to Collinwood and you will get some rest." , she whispered, placing her hands on her swollen belly.

Angelique found her way to the front door knocking. She waited a few moments and nobody showed up, so she knocked again. Barnabas opened up the door to see Angelique.

"Hello Angelique. What are you doing out in this weather." , he said.

Angelique looked at him about ready to tell him when he spoke again.

"We don't want anything to happen to the baby." , Barnabas whispered with worry.

Angelique noticed the softness in his eyes. She came in to see Joshua in the drawing room.

"This is Angelique. Josette's maid servant." , introduced Barnabas, hating the words 'maid servant' stung his tongue.

He knew that the baby inside Angelique was his, but he knew that he loved Joesette now. The 8 months he had written to his fiancee he had grown to like Josette.

"I see that your with child Angelique." , Joshua said.

I'm the corner of Angelique's eye she saw the proud father. Barnabas made sure to not have it show too long. Joshua never noticed and just walked away.

Angelique laid on her bed in her room, her swollen belly hung in the air as she rested. The woman was about ready to fall asleep when there was a knock on the door.

"Who is it?" , Called Angelique, getting startled.

Angelique tried her best to get up, but couldn't manage. She let out small squeak after she felt a kick. The door flew open and Barnabas ran over to her to help her up.

"Are alright?" , he asked with worry.

Angelique began to cry, tears falling down her eyes. She clutched her arms around her baby bump belly. Barnabas hugged her tightly. He gave her belly a kiss and it instantly stopped hurting.

Angelique began to dig in his shoulder and he held her close to, whispering sweet words to her to calm her down.

"Are you and the baby alright?" , he asked giving her head a kiss.

Barnabas laid her down and ran out of the room, before coming back with a warm washcloth. He lifted up Angelique's dress to place it on her stomach  to ease the pain.

"Thank you Barnabas. The pain was too great." , she whispered, out of breathe.

Barnabas nodded and removed the cloth to give her belly a proper kiss. His lips touched the skin of her belly. He lifted up his head and placed the washcloth back in her stomach.

"Barnabas! The pains starting again." , she cried.

Barnabas looked at her with wide eyes, knowing what was wrong. He felt the bed grow wet. The baby was ready to come and he wasn't prepared for it.

"Please help me!" , Angelique screamed out in pain.

Barnabas wanted to rush out and grab the doctor, but couldn't leave Angelique to do this on her own. He ran over to the side of her bed and grabbed her hand.

"Angelique your going to have to push. The baby ready to be born." , he said in a soft and quite voice.

Angelique closed her eyes as a pain rippled through her body. She gave out a big giant push, screaming louder then before. Barnabas ran over to the door to close it, he locked it before running back to Angelique.

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