Chapter 18

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A/N: Hey everyone! Hope you all like this chapter!
There are loads of people that I would love to dedicate this chapter to but sadly, you can only dedicate one person per chapter :(
I've dedicated this chapter to Richa_resa :D
Hope you all enjoy this chapter!
Okay, I'm gonna stop now.. :)
Lori's Pov
I was happily eating a box of chocolates and watching Teen Wolf when the doorbell rang which brought me out of my reverie.
What the eff? Who would want to visit me at 10pm on a Friday? That's just not on..

Grumbling, I got my lazy ass off the couch and dragged myself to the doorway, wondering who it could be.

"What?" I asked through the door, not wanting to open it just incase it was a crazy rapist who just got out of the loony bin.

"Well, that's no way to greet your boss' cousin/business partner, is it? I could get you fired for that."
I groaned inwardly as Chris' amused voice travelled through the doorway.

"Go away, Daniels. I'm not in the office so I can treat you as badly as I damn well please."

"Oh, so we're on last name basis now, are we? Well then Light, you better get dressed because we are going on a date."

I yanked the door open and glared at him, not caring that I was dressed in my pyjamas and my hair was in a really messy bun. I stabbed a finger in his direction, "Look here mister. As I said a few days ago, I am not, and will never, go on a date with you. Capisce?"

He pouted and gave me puppy dog eyes, "Why not? Am I not good enough for you?"

Uh no, Lori. Uh uh, don't you dare. Resist the puppy eyes. Don't do it.
"Stop it." I demanded, "I'm not going on a date with you and that's final."

The puppy eyes were full on now. I was never one that could resist puppy eyes, however badass I may be.

"Please?" he pleaded with me.

"Ungh. You can't-no, ungh. Fine! Fine. I will go out with you. But we are going as friends."

"Go get dressed then! Wear something elegant. A dress will do."
His pout had turned into an evil smirk. And.. the devil was back.
Sighing and muttering profanities, I trudged upstairs, reluctantly getting dressed. This was gonna be a long night.
"What are we doing here?"

"We are going to eat, Lori. Ever heard of a restaurant before? Yeah, well people eat at restaurants," he said in a tone that would be used for a child.

"I'm not stupid! I know what a restaurant is but what type of person eats dinner at 10:30 in the evening?"

"We do." With that, he abruptly snatched my hand and grinned at me, heading inside.

"Table for two." he said to the woman who was obviously already in love with his good looks.

"Right this way, sir." she simpered at him. Now usually, I'd be quite annoyed and jealous because someone was flirting with my date. However, I didn't feel anything other than amusement, funnily enough.

We sat down on opposite ends of the table and I started to look around the place, noticing that all of the people here were so elegantly dressed and covered in riches and jewellery. I snorted, figures. This restaurant was a posh one. Definitely not to my taste.

"So Lori, what would you like?"

I was about to respond when my eyes swept over two men who looked like they were having a heated discussion. The one with shaggy blond hair got up abruptly and his chair scraped loudly against the marble floor. He said something angrily at the other man before shaking his head and looking up. Our eyes connected.

My wolf started going crazy with lust and happiness, "Mate! It's our mate!"

I also started going crazy. With panic and fear. Definitely not lust.

"Shit." I muttered, but not quietly enough. I started to get up an Chris grabbed my hand, "Hey, where are you going?" I heard a possessive growl behind me and that just made me more panicked.

"Sorry, but I've gotta go. Thanks for the food!" wrenching my hand out of his grip, I heard him call after me bemusedly as I ran,
"But the food hasn't even arrived yet!"

Ignoring the strange looks people gave me, I made it to the exit and ran into the parking lot. "Shit shit shit. I don't have a car and there isn't a forest nearby!"

"Lori! I swear to the gods that you will be the death of me. Loriana Elise Light, get back here right now!" Seth yelled at me, walking towards me.

Oh I am so dead. I rushed towards a random car and took out a pin from my hair and picked up the piece of metal that was lying on the ground, neglected. It was time to hijack a car.
Seth's Pov
My eyes widened as I saw Lori use her wolf strength to yank the car door open before scrambling in, slamming the door behind her.

Getting over my initial shock at seeing her again after three years, I ran towards the car just as she put her foot on the gas.

"Don't do it sweetheart. Come on baby, let's just talk." I put my hands up and walked towards the car bonnet hesitantly.

She narrowed her eyes at me but I could see hesitation as she revved the engine.

"Come on, sugarplum. Just get out of the car and let's talk about this. I'm not going to hurt you."

Suddenly, her hands gripped the wheel tightly and I could see the resolve in her eyes. Ah shite. "Don't Lori. I swear that if you run me over then my statement is true. You will be the death of-"
Before I could finish my sentence, my body went flying in the air as the car crashed into me and I rolled off, clutching my stomach. The last thing I saw before I blacked out was her face leaning out of the car window as she yelled at me, "Piss off, you mothereffing two faced lying jerk!"
A/N: Hahaha, I loved writing this chapter! And I think that Lori's badass side was shown here wasn't it? :D
Next update is tomorrow :)

Hiding from my Mate (COMPLETED)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz