Suu's Story

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It was the last day of summer! Suu has been kept up in the house most of the season I usually have to keep the air conditioner blasting so she doesn't get dehydrated so easily. Earlier in the day I saw on tv an announcment that a new water park had opened down town so I thought it would be a nice way for suu to get out of the house and have some fun!

"Suu get your coat and boots on! I have the car nice and cool for you!" *tip* *tap* *tip* *tap* "all ready to go master!" Twisting my head I see Suu standing at the bottom of the stairs her emerald eyes were lit up like a candle with the tentacle on top of her head pointed straight up in delight. The yellow raincoat and yellow boots looked so adorable on her especially the way the sleeves were just a little too long drooping downwards towards the floor making her so much ever cuter! "Ready Suu?" Smiling at her! "It will be a fun day!" "Yay fun day!" Replying with a beaming open mouth smile. "Okay!" "Let's get in the car!" Placing my hand on her shoulder as we walked out the door. *click* *slam* opening the car door I helped Suu get into her seat. "How does the air conditioning feel? Is it alright Suu?" "It's lovely master!" Twisting the key into the ignition the engine fired right up and we proceeded onwards with our journey!

Approximately twenty minutes later we arrived at our destination!! The waterpark was huge! Water slides of all different colors and sizes an in ground olympic sized pool combined with a Jacuzzi surrounded by polished brick. "This place is huge so many slides to go on!" "So big!" Suu chimed at the sight. Opening the door for Suu I kindly took the sleeve of her coat assisting her out from the vehicle.

The sun was shining brightly upon us while we proceeded to walk towards the front gate. With Suu's transparent body making contact with the rays from the sun made her whole body a shining orb yellow raincoat reflecting sparkles from the sun looking so innocent with a smile painted on her face. The sight would light up anyones heart! "This will be a great day with master!!" Cheerfully expressing aloud. I feel one of Suu's tentacles wrap around my right arm while walking in sync. In response grasping the left sleeve of her raincoat allowed me to hold her hand. "Me and you Suu!" Patting her head lightly. Feeling her palm tighten grip I could tell how much joy Suu had. "Where would you like to go first Suu?" "The waterslide looks fun!" "You got it! Woah!" Letting out a suprised tone. Wrapping a tentacle around my waist suu dragged me along in excitement. "Off we go master!"

Arriving at a birch wood stair case leading up to the entrance of a tube. Feeling like we were climbing for what seemed an eternity finally arriving at the top. There was a railing at the peak surrounding the platform. Leaning against it I could see the whole park with a multitude of colored tubes. The one we were about to enter was yellow with swirling twists and turns that straightened out at the bottom leading into a tiny pool. "Ready suu?" "Mhm mhm mhm!" She hummed! I sat her between my legs and held Suu by her waist. "One... Two.... Three..." Pushing my hands back springing us fowards we zoomed down the tube! "Hahaha!" "Weeee!" The yellow tube made Suu's raincoat gleam providing a vibrant lighting as we slid through. It was a good thing Suu had kept it on or else she would have gotten stuck being in contact with the slide I thought. *swish* exiting the tunnel dropping into the pool. As our heads emerged to the surface we giggled and laughed aloud to eachother. "That was fun!!" "Really fast!" Suu responded with bright pink blushes on both cheeks.

Exiting the pool I see a little ice cream cart set up off to the side. "Want an ice cream Suu?" "Ice cream!" She cheered in reply. I had purchased a red white and blue rocket shaped ice pop. Suu had choosen a vanilla pudding pop. Wait! How will she hold it? Her hand will just get stuck to the stick. In suprise I noticed Suu removing the wrapping with a tentacle easily without trouble then consuming the whole pop through her body. "So cold! So refreshing" giggling to herself. "Wow I didn't know she could do that!" Whispering to myself quietly. "Enjoying the treat Suu?" "So sweet and tasty!" Eyes wide gleaming. "Glad your enjoying it!"

After we had our delicious treats a dip in the pool sounded delightful! Off to the side by a ladder I placed a beach towel to dry off with afterwards. "Want to dip your feet into the pool Su....." *splash* without warning I saw Suu fall into the pool. "Suu!!!!!" I yelled out in fear. All of sudden I notice the yellow raincoat and boots floating atop the surface! Diving in immediately

frantically searching under the water for Suu. I couldn't see anything only a blur from the chlorine. "Huuuh! Ugh!" Gasping for air I emerged to the surface. "Suu!!" I yell out again at the top of my lungs! 

A sudden *woosh* came from behind my direction. Turning around in a frantic I was stuck by what laid before my eyes! It was Suu!! The sunlight beaming straight through her transparent body made the water droplets in the air surrounding her sparkling beautifully against her body! Heavenly emerald green eyes lit up piercing my heart feeling like a pin needle. Smile as wide as could be! "Suu! Your okay!!" I began to cry with tears flowing down my face. "I thought I had lost you!" "Suu's okay master!" Around my entire body Suu wrapped me tight with all her tentacles providing a natural flotation device. Hugging me with her arms it felt so smooth combined with the sensation of the water. Suu leans in close to me and plants a kiss directly on my cheek leaving a little sticky imprint from her lips. "Suu will be okay! Because now I know I love my master!" "Suu....?" My eyes go wide in shock of what I had just heard. "I love you too Suu!!" Smiling brightly in reply. "Yay!" Letting out in an adorable tone in response. 

I could tell one thing for certain just because Suu maybe a slime she sure knows one thing at that is she loves her master very much and always will!

The End!!

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