Chapter 1

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The moment my clock strikes 3:00 am, I closed my files, shut my laptop and stretched my body a little to get ready to tackle the day ahead.

I stare the clock, wondering when would I be sleepy enough to ignore my routine but it's all just useless thought. I won't get any work done. So, I jumped to my next routine.

Changing into my workout clothes, I walked into my build-in gym room.

Pull up bar, Kettlebells, Farmer's walk bars, Bulgarian Training Bag, Sandbag, Water ball, Hand weights, Suspension Straps, Battle Ropes and Rowing machine.

I don't prefer glasses in my gym. Although I bought this apartment a week ago, I made my choices clear. Everything here is black and grey. And I like it the way it is. Dark and morbid.

After an hour of rigorous workout, I changed into my running gears and grabbed my cell phone. Most of my work is done by this phone. I can't afford to keep it away from me, even for a moment.

Outside, it's a usual day. I see a couple of people here and there but that's it. One of the reasons, I chose this time of day to run. I don't have to bother about people watching me or judging me and the best part, I get to self- reflect my work.

Running keeps my brain cells healthy, not just because exercise releases endorphin but also it helps me think over things, I might have missed in my files. When you work in a field where I work, you can never be sure. Your client can possibly screw you and you have to make sure to double screw them before they have you by the neck.

I went over the file again and again over my head. There seems to be something missing, a vital puzzle piece. In our work, we call it 'shady'.

I didn't realise that my 1 hour of running is over and that's what I like about this exercise. I can keep running and running without noticing my burning lungs and rushing blood, well not until my timer goes off.

I hurried into my Bathroom to have a proper bath and get rid of sweat because I am obsessed of elegant and exotic fragrance, henceforth I have massive collection of perfumed bathing essentials and other things. I just love pleasant smell. So after getting over my zero time I stand under shower- head, slid the glass shut on my back and relaxed my tense muscles under the shower and waited for bath tub to get filled.
For next 30 minutes, I enjoyed waft of fragrance in air and refrain myself from thinking about my work.

Walking in my walk-in closet, I towel dried my body and stood in front of mirror with the outfit in my hand, which I had selected last night. I believe in planned arrangements. Rushing things is not my forte. Not that I can't complete my work in Tour de force fashion if I am rushed. It's a matter of preference.

Now I won't gush on my appearance and write serenade on it because I am far from what you call perfect. Despite my workouts and specific diet, I am no where close to skinny. I would say I am more on thicker side with stretch marks on my bust and hip region. Nonetheless, I take pride in my sharp facial features. It gives me that don't-test-me-today vibes and gets the work done.

And to hide my real identity, not that I am a celebrity but the people I have worked with would recognise me and I have worked with lots of people, I make a tight pony tail of my now died brunette hair, which was blonde a week ago. Tightening my scalp gave more defined look to my temple, cheekbones and corner of eyes. Now for eyes, originally dark green in colour, I wear brown contact lense and black rimmed glass which is big enough to cover half of my face.

I also chose my attire which is less formal but sill not borderline casual for the interview.

Mauve vest, knee length white skirt, white narrow fitted blazer and paired it with mauve peep toes. I forgo my rings, which feels like a part of my body now. The only thing I didn't change is my choice of perfume. Now I can't mention the name because it's customised only on my order. The only edition available. Lavender and white Lily is the most significant fragrance of this perfume though.

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