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As soon as Kristen informed me that Angel has already seen the medical report, I rushed to her penthouse.

When I had signalled Liam my four fingers,  I was asking about medical report but due to one week delay, I asked him to parcel that at my house in Italy.

I had my suspicions from the moment I saw her, seeing her features, accent and other habits, I was agreed to my suspicions and the very first thing I did was to approach Mr. Samuel King and very cunningly he refused her to be his daughter. Knowing him since my childhood, I considered him as my fatherly figure, so I believed him. I believed that Angel is not his daughter. Because in no position a father would refuse to recognise his own daughter. Well, that's what I thought.

Angel has amnesia. She would have been recovered way back, if she was surrounded by her old life, her family.

I took care of her well being and gradually grown a strong bond between us.

Once she asked me to stop searching for her family because according to her I'm her only family and she doesn't want to leave me. Even I'm not ready to leave her but I can't deprive her from her own family.

The day I saw Xavier and especially Stacy, my suspicions grew stronger but due to belief in Samuel King I had earlier, I waved it off. But seeing Xavier in such a remorse and Samuel's strange behavior and immense attention towards Angel, I asked Liam for the DNA test.

Initial plan was to, if the medical report turns out to be positive, I would have made Xavier meet Angel as his sister but if it turns out to be negative, I would have made Xavier meet Angel as my special sister and had told him real accident story that how I met Angel at first place.

But things didn't work as per planned. Angel got to know about medical report and she assumed that I wanna get rid of her responsibilities and other shits.

I had hard time explaining her. At last, she understood my point but still refused to my idea of searching for her family.

Things got worse when Xavier followed me to her penthouse and being the intelligent man he is, he figured everything out but the cold eye he is giving me right now, hurts like a bitch. I have never seen this much hatred and anger in his eyes and that also for me.

"Listen me Xa-" I step forward to explain my point but he jerked my hands off.

"Shut the fuck up Katherine" I got numb by sensing the venom in his voice. It's so cold and ear piercing. My heart sank seeing his hate towards me.

I just kept quiet, because I can fight and argue with anyone without giving a damn but seeing Xavier hate for me, my heart shattered into pieces. I'm a emotional havoc right now.

I stood frozen at my spot.

"Don't you dare speak to my sista in that tone"  Angel spat angrily at Xavier.

For a minute second, hurt flashed in his eyes, which is not at all surprising.
Seeing your sister alive after 7 years, when you thought she was dead and seeing her angry taking side of someone's else, that's not how he would have imagined.

He gave a venomous chilly clap to me.

"Wow Katherine Aliana Knight, you really made her stand against me" I just kept quiet and held my gaze to his, maybe to find any hint of trust or love, but I got none and the way he called my name, made it clear that he is not in state to listen me.

"One single word and I'll-" I interjected Angel in mid sentence because I can't see both of them fighting and that also because of me. I just can't see Xavier hurt.

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