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I went to Dubai for inauguration of my new branch and business deals related to oil referanery.

I wanna spread my business further in Asia. I asked Aliana to join me. She is my P.A after all but still she refused me, to quote her sentence 'I'll be of no use there. Everything is done and Max is going with you. Someone needs to be stayed behind'.

During day, I have works to keep myself busy but during night, I can't help but miss her to the end.

Every night, we Skype and during daytime, we keep texting. These days are like hell. It's like I am missing something very important, like my half.

In a short span of time, my feelings are grown very intense for her.

Sometimes I feel like, I am on roaler coaster ride but the best part is, I am not riding alone. She is with me.

I avoided clicking pictures with models and other woman. Even, I attended my event without a plus one because I don't want Aliana to think of other way around.

All I want from her is to trust me. I know it's not easy for her, due to her past but I have faith in her. I am very positive.

When she slept on my chest, I was on cloud line. I felt like I achieved something which money can't afford. I was self-satisfied. I lo.....no...no....i can't, I think I like her, maybe more than like. Yeah, I like her.

Today is Thursday and tomorrow I have to attend family dinner. I arrived at airport in dawn.

I thought to surprise Aliana, so I directly went to my penthouse in order to rest.

After a good sleep, I booked restaurant for Saturday and called my aunt to book her boutique. Because I remember my promise to Aliana.

Then I called dad.

"Dad! " I greeted him.

"Son, We are already here. Where are you? " he asked expectantly and worried. I don't know what he is worried about.

"I'm on my way dad." I hop in my car to go to the given address.

"Xavier!" he sounds nervous.

"Yeah? Is everything okay?" I asked worried.

"We miss you" he said at verge of crying that made me angry. I love them but still I can't forget their absence in my childhood.

"I missed you too dad" I said calming my anger.

"Come soon" he said sadly.

"Coming dad" I hung up.

I increased my car speed but was interrupted by a call. I received without seeing caller ID.

"What?" I spat on the caller.

"Calm down Xavier. We don't want to burst my eardrums, now don't we? " Aliana. She said jokingly. My humourless women.

Her voice itself calmed my anger and brought smile on my face.

"Aliana! " I said relieved.
"Are you okay? What is bothering you? " she asked in serious tone, now genuinely worried.

"Work stress" I lied because, I wanna surprise her.

"Oh! You can discuss to me. I am more than happy to help you. You know that right?" her caring voice made me smile like a cheshire cat.

"Now I'm relieved" I mumbled.

"Good, because I don't want my friend to stress himself. That's my right to stress you out" she tried to lessen my stress which is clearly working.

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