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Two emotions are clouding my mind hazily. That is, Anger and Frustration.

Anger because of Aliana's stunt. Yes, she told me earlier about her plan but not about the part of that fucking skimpy dress and chocolate dips. She is a seductress but she is mine and all her colours are for me too see.

I'm angry because she was unsafe. Although I had already sent my bodyguards to protect her without her knowledge but I can't avoid the feeling of losing her, there is longing feeling inside me.

She'll be here in next few minutes but I'm still missing her. I feel like we are drifting apart and I'm helpless.

I'm frustrated because of my mother. She hid the truth from me and I highly doubt if Stacy knows about this or not. And if not, I'm gonna inform her.

I shake my head to clear my absurd thoughts and concentrate on current situation. Me and Liam, are sitting in a black car and the black tinted windows are doing great job of covering us from outsiders.

We both are waiting impatiently in front of Edward Russo's house, for Aliana.

After her message of executing plan B,  Liam explained me the plan. She sensed danger around her and she needs protection. So here we are with guns and cops in normal clothes to hide their identity. She even included ambulance in her plan B.

She is wicked. She informed me about her Plan A but not about plan B and to Liam,  she informed about Plan B but not about Plan A.  She ensured me that she is going to be safe yet here we are because she is in danger. I would have gone inside if my bodyguards had not informed me about her safety.
I saw her coming out and in a blink, I was standing in front of her.

First her expression was of shock but soon it changed to remorse. She hid her hand behind and that caught my attention but first, her safety is my priority.

"Are you okay babes?" I asked in low voice and glance behind her back to see my bodyguards.

She nodded but didn't speak.

"Let's go" I held her hand and turn on my heels to lead her to our car.

But as soon as I turned, I heard gunshots. In an instant, I pulled Aliana by my side and ducked her around my arm.

We made our way to the car safely but didn't find Liam inside. I made her sit inside the car and turn back to look for Liam. 

A man was standing, pointing his gun to me. He pulled the trigger but Liam pushed me and the bullet passed by his arm. I pulled my gun out of my waistband and shot the man on his hand. The gun fell down of his hand and cops arrested him.

Soon, Liam was driven to hospital in Ambulance. Me and Aliana, followed the ambulance. After arriving at hospital and checkup, Doctor informed us that Liam is perfectly fine. Bullet only gauge his arm and he can go home.

Liam gave cold shoulder to Aliana. I also didn't talk to her much. After dropping Liam to his house. We drove for our home.

In car, there was an uncomfortable silence between us. After reaching to the penthouse, I dragged her inside to the living room and her very first question didn't surprise me at all because I know her very well. She always thinks about me before her. Even what she did tonight, was also for me and my company. I don't have any idea of what to do with this girl. To worship the path she walks on or to punish her?

"How did you take about what Edward said?" this was the first thing she spoke.

"I don't know, I'm fine with it but I'm frustrated because my mom hid this from me and maybe from Stacy too. Apart from that I'm fine" I answered honestly because I can't change the truth but I want my answers from mom.

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