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Last night, I stayed at Angel's place. Sulking over my problems.
A person can fight against others but if his own love rebel, then winning is not possible because if he'll win then you'll lose and vice versa. My condition is same, I have to fight against Xavier's strong head to make him understand.

After bathing, I changed, I keep my spare clothes in Angel's penthouse.

After gym and breakfast, I packed her belongings. Her clothes and other essentials but the hardest part was to pack her photo frames. Till evening, packing was done. I called my men to transport this to New York as early as possible.

I sent an application to her hospital and rest I have left on Xavier. Hope so, he will be cooperative enough. Well, it's a win-win situation for Angel, his boyfriend Duke, also lives in New York. They were in long distance relationship but now they can stay close to each other.

Everyone has someone. Kristen has Heath, Ellie has Zach, Xavier has Angel, and Angel has Xavier and Duke. And here I'm sitting alone in this huge penthouse. There is a thin line to quit. But I have to stay strong if I have to get Xavier back.

I head back to my mansion and as expected, Xavier and his family is gone. Zach and Ellie are still here. My parents seem as upset as me and Kristen is at verge of crying. Whereas Heath is angry as hell. Not at all surprised of their different expressions and emotions.

"What's going on?"
"Why Xavier left suddenly?"
"Is everything okay between you two?"

Zach, Ellie and Kristen fired their questions simultaneously.

"Well, for that you all have to calm down and listen, without any interference" I said because even Ellie has never seen or known about Angel.
They all nodded and we got seated. I narrated them from starting. When I got Angel in an accident, her amnesia, my search tactics, suspicions and when Xavier misunderstood me.

"He should have listened you"

"I thought he was intelligent enough"
Mom and dad said simultaneously in disappointment.

"I'm gonna kill that bas-" I cut Heath in mid sentence by giving him my infamous stern look.

"I'll make him understand. He has to understand. How can he be so childish?" Zach said in order to brighten my gloomy mood.

"Yes, Ana! We'll talk to him" Ellie assured me, forcing a fake smile.

"No! It's between Xavier and I. So, I'll explain him. Pack your bags, we are going back to New York" I turn on my heels to go back but Zach interrupted me.

"Your 10 days are over. If you go back then Uncle Sam is gonna sue you and according to contract, you may get your license siezed. It's a suicide" he said and my parents gave me questioning look.

"What? He threatened you?" my dad shouted angrily and mom and Heath's expressions are as same as dad.

"Dad, you know I never give a damn to shallow threats. We will see that but first Xavier and Angel are my priority." I replied and eyed Zach and Ellie "Now if you got my answer. Get moving" saying my final words, I left to my room.

Without giving a single look to photo frames, I took my mobile phones, wallet, car key and left.

Entire ride, Zach and Ellie continued their bickering and my mind was on 'How to get Xavier back' mission.

"Kidnap him"
"Sue him"
"Threaten him"
"Punish him"
"Leave him"
"Kick him"
"Beat the shit out of him"
"Kick his groin"
"Ignore him"
"Call him"
"Message him"
"Spread rumours in media"

I can give him proofs and many more things to prove myself innocent but I want him to trust me in the same way, I do. Love is worthless without trust.

I dropped Ellie and Zach to their place and drove to my apartment because Xavier was not in his penthouse.


After arriving back to New York, I decided to move in my mansion. So that Sophia can get adjust to our family.

It was hard for Mom and Stacy but I explained whatever I know and dad refused to know anything on this matter but I know he is lying. He knows something.

Entire ride, she kept quiet. I tried to start a conversation but her monotone answers killed where it started.

After showing her old room, where our childhood and teenage photos are hung, I left to sink in her system.

After a long relaxing bath, my mind is still on roller coaster. Tossing and turning for next 2 hours, I quit my futile trial of sleeping.

I miss Aliana. In process of changing her habit, I changed mine. I miss cuddling her in my sleep. I miss everything about her. She always trusted me and what I did? I let my anger control me. I didn't even give her chance to explain me. But what she can explain? It's crystal clear. Hence, my stupid heart is not ready to accept her betrayal.

I'll give her at least a chance to explain me but before that I have something more important to work on.

Lights of dad's study room is still on.
I knocked and entered without waiting for a reply.

He is looking blankly at the door. All files are closed that means, he is not thinking about work. I can clearly see dry tears on his cheeks. Red puffy eyes and frown on his forehead.

"Dad" I called him to get his attention but he doesn't budge from his previous posture.

"You knew that Sophia was alive. Aliana and you, both knew everything but still hid from me. At least, you should have thought about mom and Stacy" I bottled out my thoughts in one go and this got his attention.

"I never knew about Sophia. Aliana hid her even from you. If she hasn't told you the truth then how can you expect that she'll tell me about her?" he put his point further but it's hard for me to digest but he has a point.

Aliana may hid from anybody but not from me. But she did.

"Then why were you so head over to send me back?" I asked him in hope to satisfy my brain.

"Son, Now listen me very keenly. You know her for only four months. Don't you think she changed pretty fast? She never involved herself with any men. There was a point when we doubted her gender interest. A cruel and world famous Criminal Lawyer in love with A Playboy Billionaire. Don't it sounds quiet fishy? A normal girl can never trust you but she showed you what she wanted to. She wins by hook or crook. Maybe you were just her pawn" my whole body stiffened at his every single word. My entire blood was on fire.

"Enough of your bullshits" I shouted at top of my lungs and banged his table in anger.

"I just asked you to imagine. I'm not accusing her. Maybe she truly loves you or maybe not. Because once she was talking about a girl named Angel, that stimulated a doubt in my brain. So I asked her to show me the photo of Angel but she refused. I even went to Italy to meet Angel but again she declined. After that incident, whenever I tried to speak about Angel, she cleverly used to change the topic. You and your mother will have to trust me on this. I'm a father and being a father, I'll never want my daughter or any member of my family to suffer. " he said whilst crying.

I took few steps backward, shaking my head in negative.

This can't be possible. No. She can't cheat me. It's a betrayal. I don't share close relation with my dad but I know he cares for his family.

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