7~ Peanut Butter

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"So, you're basically telling me that Macbeth represents the question of fate versus free will?"

I nod, pointing to the sections of my analysis that prove this theory. "100%."

Beaus been in school for almost two weeks and while he's adjusted great, his school work seems to be struggling. Sadly, the last thing I wanted to be doing was actually studying during our study dates. However, the grades speak for themselves and he needs my undivided academic attention... for now.

"What do you believe in?" Beau asks, tapping his pencil against my nose to pull my attention to him.

"I think every man is responsible for his own actions." I explain, "We choose what we do."

"You don't believe in fate?" He pushes me.

"I think fate is a cop out for people who've made mistakes and need someone else to blame." I conclude bitterly. "What better option than something that doesn't exist."

Hazel eyes study me intently, "I don't know, I think people end up in the right places and meet the right people. I don't think that's just coincidence."

"Then I suppose we can agree to disagree." I mutter, my eyes unashamedly glancing down at his lips.

He copies my motions as he leans forward.

I forget all about Macbeth as his lips hover over mine, our noses brushing against one another.

"Are you going to kiss me or what?" I ask softly.

He chuckles, "I always like to get the lady's blessing."

"Do you want it in writing or was that enough?"

He kisses me in response and everything disappears while my hands find themselves in his hair.

The sound of keys rattling in the door sends us jumping apart. Beau fixes his hair while I rearrange the table as footsteps sound in the hall.

"Jovie Grace, are you home?" Mom calls out.

"In here." I respond, double checking the area.

We're good.

She walks in with her jacket draped over her arm, a hand reaching down to pull her heels off as she takes us in. "Who's this?"

"Beau Ellington, ma'am." He says, standing up to offer his hand. "'I'm your new neighbor and a friend of the twins."

Mom shakes his hand as a knowing look scans between the two of us, I suddenly find my fingers very interesting as she fights a smirk. "Nice to meet you, call me Ms. Rawlings."

He nods, glancing back at me. "I'm sorry for imposing, Jovie was just helping me with my English homework. Macbeth and I aren't getting along too well."

"Fair is foul and foul is fair." My mom offers with a far off look in her eye before glancing back at us. "There's quite a lot that could be learned from that play."

I snort, gathering up our things. "Mom was a big literary nerd back in the day."

She loved reading, it was her escape from the world. Sometimes I wish I had an escape as meaningless as reading.

We head for the stairs and she waves, "Beau. I'd invite you to stay for dinner but the Jones' are coming over."

"Oh, I-"

"Thats okay, mom, we wouldn't want to subject him to that torture just yet." I offer before basically dragging him towards my room.

Closing the door, I silently pray nothing embarrassing has been left out.

In the EndTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon