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To clear the air...

Cheating is generally bad, yes. Do I condone it, no. However, teenagers are allowed to make mistakes. Teenagers are figuring out life and sometimes, most of the time, they will fuck up along the way. If Jovie was perfect, this would be a wasted book. She might be my most flawed character yet.

Also, Jovie is not mad AJ and Peyton got together. She's upset that the person she thought was her best friend blamed her for their sneaking around. Instead of being honest about how she felt, Peyton has now verbally attacked Jovie twice to validate her insecurities.

That's not okay, no matter what Jovie or anyone else is doing, friends don't attack friends to validate themselves.

Have some faith, guys, and be patient.

In the EndNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ