25 ~ Thigh

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"Morning, Cutie."

Smiling, I offer Beau a quick kiss as I get in his jeep. It's December, which means no pollen in the air. I can ride to school with him, I just might freeze to death.

"Coffee?" He offers a cup to me and I hesitate. I actually don't feel like dying today. A first. "I used soy milk and added extra sugar."

"Just the way I like it." I remark, taking a tentative swig. Once I'm positive he didn't make a mistake, I enjoy another sip.

"Use this." He offers me a blanket. "And this." He places a sock cap on my head.

"I look like a marshmallow." I laugh, forcing the seatbelt to go over my layers of extra warmth.

"A cute marshmallow." He corrects, squeezing my hand as he begins the drive to school.

Somehow, in the middle of winter, I manage to blush. The wind blows in my ears and I loose feeling in my face, but I can't stop smiling. This is fun. I feel free.

Pulling into the school parking lot, he whistles as he parks the car. Raising a brow, I study my boyfriend. "What has you in such a good mood?"

"My girlfriend rode to school with me today. There was no allergic reaction and no interruption." He says. "So, I've had a pretty damn good morning."

I guess we haven't done this often enough. "Well then, that makes two of us."

Leaning in, I peck his lips just as the jeep begins to shake. Why did God have to give me nosy friends.

"Lovebirds, lovebirds." AJ sings, pushing down on the hood of the car. "What have we said about public displays of affection?"

"That's pretty frowned upon." Gentry tsks. "We have rules about this sort of thing, don't we, Aspen?"

Beau turns to yell at them, but I grab his face and kiss him. His protest dies out as he pulls the hat off my head so he can run his fingers through my hair.

Pulling back, I offer the boys a triumphant smirk as I get out of the jeep. "Good morning, boys."

"You're going to get sick if you drive this thing in the cold." Aspen tells Beau.

"I think I'll take my chances." Beau says, grabbing my hand.

AJ snickers as Gentry pretends to throw up. He chose to harass me knowing the consequences. Rawlings' have no shame. Walking past them, I find it difficult to avoid the stoic look on Aspen's face as I go.


For the first time in months, I'm dreading lunch. That's why, all through 4th period study hall, I try to convince myself I'm not hungry.

"Jo." Seth whines, resting his head on my shoulder. "I don't wanna do finals."

Snorting, I ruffle his hair. "Sorry, Kid, they're sorta mandatory."

"My brain is mush." He swats his math workbook off the table.

"You'll survive." If I have to then he will. I'd kill to go back to my sophomore year exams.

Peaking an eye up at me, he smiles. "Will you help me with my study guide?"

Checking the time, I shake my head. "There's only ten more minutes 'till lunch."

"We can do it then." He counters.

"I'm not eating lunch today."

"Why?" He asks.

"Yeah, why?" My twin echoes. "Mom packed us a special lunch today."

Indeed, she did. My stomach growls just thinking about the pubsub waiting for me. Damn my stubborn ass.

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