16 ~ Sorry

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"Jovie, slow down."

Stopping, I wait for my best friend to catch up. Peyton runs into a basketball player, blushing profusely as she stands by me. "You okay?"

She nods, letting her hair hide her face from the hall. "Yeah."

Snickering as my friend regains her composure, I head for the cafeteria. I'm tackled into a hug before my bag is even on the table.

"Kid, what has you so excited?" I ask, losing oxygen supply.

"I aced my geometry test." He cheers, trying to lift me off my feet. "Thank you. Thank you. Thank you."

Laughing, I take my seat. "Anytime, kid, good job."

Gentry tries to steel half of my sunbutter and jelly sandwich and I swat his hand away just for Garner to sneak up and it out of my hand.

"You both suck." I pout as the rest of my sandwich is tossed to my twin. That was the last of the jar.

They laugh, high fiving and Jay slides me a bag of celery.

"I hate rabbit food." I mutter as two people I feel very differently about join us.

"Where's your lunch?" Beau asks, pecking my cheek as he and Aspen take their seats.

"In my brothers' stomachs." I respond, chewing on the nasty green food. I'm so telling mom.

My boyfriend rummages through his bag before dumping his lunch on the table. "Can you eat any of this."

Ignoring the growl of my stomach, I sigh. "No, thank you though."

As my hunger grows, I start on my stats homework to dull out the pain of feeding myself celery. It should cancel out. On my fifth problem, a sandwich gets thrown on my book.

"Gentry, tell Aspen that if he wishes to throw food, he'll end up with chewed up celery spit in his face." I offer, not looking away from my work.

"Dude, she said to not throw food." My brother says.

"Tell her to it's for her to eat." Ladies and Gentlemen, this is the first time in days I've heard Aspen Tate Jones talk.

I liked it better when he was silent.

"Sis, it's yours."

"Tell him, I refuse to eat his nasty ass sandwich just like I refuse to deal with his horrible attitude."

"She ain't eating the sandwich or forgiving you." My brother echoes.

"I've done nothing to be forgiven for." He holds firm. "Tell her to get her head out of her ass and eat."


"Nothing to apologize for?" I scoff. "I understand being an ass is your number one personality trait, but it's not appreciated."

"Man, you should've just given the sandwich to me." Gentry mumbles.

"I'm an ass, sure, but you're the one who makes desperate decisions." He snaps, catching himself as he glances around the table.

"Go to hell."

Standing up, he hits his knee on the seat as he grabs his bag. "Eat the fucking sandwich!"

"Say you're sorry!" I scream after him, not bothered by half the student body staring at us. They should be used to this by now.

Slamming my book shut, I rest my head on the table. It's not until I have to slap AJ's hand away that I sit up.

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