Ch. 17

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This chapter will be short so please don't hate on me. It's a school night and I wanted so bad to get this out.

I'm still surrounded by vampires so I quickly grab myself together and get back in a protective stance. Just because the man who claimed to be someone else betrayed me doesn't mean my kids will suffer through it. My kids are my everything and I shouldn't of let someone manipulate me just because they said a few sorries. Because if my kids would've got hurt because of my blindness then I would've never forgive myself.

He tries to step forward but a quick growl escapes my mouth. My wolf has also  learned her lesson too and she will not let a man distract her mother instincts ever again. I feel like one of those wattpad girls. I let a man be my weakness. THE MAN WHO CAUSED ME DISTRESS!

(Ok in my story vampires can shift into werecats. So please don't hate me. It's just my set on vampires in my stories. I mean they do hiss so 🤷🏽‍♀️)

That makes me wonder. What if it was Kason who put my father on his death bed just to get me to come home?

My father. I quickly grab my kids... which I have no idea how and shoot pass everyone moving faster than I did running away from the vampires. I quickly reach the hospital and I don't even register myself in. I quickly run to my parents room and I see my father sitting up eating. "We need to get far away from here." I say quickly. My father healed a few days ago but the hospital kept him in here.

Under Kason's commands.

It's all coming together. I see my uncle and I hug him tightly. "Tell me why did you come here and tell me the truth. Or so help me..." I end my sentence with a killer glare and he clears his throat.

"I was sent here because I knew what Kason was up to. I just didn't have evidence, and who am I to make a statement with no evidence to the niece that hates me?" He asks tauntingly knowing he gets under my skin, "When your father was supposedly attacked by a rogue the footprints where he was attacked wasn't coming from the pack borderline it was coming from the pack house, and Kason was the one to find him. I spoke to the pack elders and they said Kason canceled a meeting and when he finally returned home he was covered in blood. He said it was deer blood but it smelt like werewolf blood." I look at him with wide eyes and back at my father.

"I let my kids have alone time with him...." I say in a quiet voice. "I let my kids have alone time with him." I say again but louder. In a split second I grab the steak knife on my fathers tray and run out the doors. Good gosh this is the most running I've done in years...yeah I'm not getting used to this.

I know exactly where he is. I run to the pack pond where his is cleaning off the blood in his fur. I pounce on him and try drowning him with all my might. "I hate you so much Kason," I growl releasing him.

I then stick the knife in his neck deep enough to where it injured his spinal cord.  He's not even fighting me. I look in his feral eyes and notice he has little humanity left. He's going feral. That's why he's not fighting back. He wants to die. But I'm not a murderer.

I wouldn't be able to live with myself knowing I took a life. Yes I want him dead but not by me. As soon as I start removing the knife a white and blue streak shoots pass and removes the knife only to stick it through the skull making him go limp.

"I should've killed him the moment he laid eyes on you in my presence," The vampire says in disgust to no one in particular. I'm still kneeled down on the ground I feel his overpowering presence behind me and something eerie is gave off of him as I feel his eyes on me.

😂 y'all didn't really think this would be the cliche where the girl gets back with the guy that hurt her did you? Tell me I tricked all of you. Because I know I did. 😂😏

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