2. Logan

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In the animal kingdom, predators use different kinds of mechanisms to catch their prey, some like to chase their food while some like to stalk, on the other hand there's ones that prefer to work in groups. Not me though. I had been extremely careful and patient as I waited for her to be alone. I did not want her to grab attention from the people around us and so I couldn't just steal her away. I had to be nice, so I asked her for a drink but to my dismay she rejected me.

Out of habit, I do not take rejections very well, it tells me I am lacking something, and I strongly disagree to that. I may have underestimated the woman; no sane girl will just go out for a drink with a stranger. Especially when I didn't even introduce myself. I must admit that I didn't play my part well, I made a rushed move and now she's in the eyes of more people than before.

It should be an easy task for you.

I grunt at the mocking voice as I watch her cut the red ribbon pasted across the store entrance, splitting the giant bow into two halves, she smiles for the camera. Slowly everyone starts moving in and I'm probably the last one to get in.

In all honesty, I want this to be over with. I want to take this woman away from here and I don't give a damn about anything else but at the same point I made a promise to my father. I wouldn't create a notion unless necessary. Well, this damn well looks like 'absolutely necessary'. But if I want to prove myself to him, I had to do things his way and just by walking next to her I knew she was going to be difficult.

I had no clue what had gotten into her as she started running away from me, however, I could easily catch up to those legs. She isn't a short person as compared to other women I'd known but next to me she didn't stand a chance. Just when I was convinced that she was suspicious of me and was trying to get away, she surprised me by slowing down.

For a second there I was confused, surprised and curious as to what she was up to, but I couldn't let her see that. Thinking that today was one of the days where the predator loses its prey, I leave the music store. I was not interested in seeing the show, the only thing I wanted right now was to finish the task assigned to me and I was trying to come up with a plan. Crossing the street I find Doyle waiting in the car.

"What's up, boss?" He smirks at me as if I've failed. "We're going to plan B" I mutter, leaning against the vehicle. "I didn't know we had a plan B" The slyness in his voice made me want to punch him.

I should've just taken her when I had her alone on the streets. Fuck the rules, she will have no clue of what's happening anyway. I had to say though, by making her come with me willingly would be a reward for my ego.

"Try and be nice, I'm sure you can get her to come here by using your charms but if you can't keep your temper in control, you can do whatever pleases you. I need the girl, how you get her isn't my problem"

Somehow my father managed to challenge, insult and give me an assignment all at once. I nodded as I looked around the dinning table, my two younger brothers stared back at me. Elon and I were very similar when it comes to looks, hell, even our personalities were similar, we both disliked the way my father carried his business, some of his dealings disgusted us. And that would change, when he decides to retire and put me in charge.

For that I constantly needed to prove myself, show him that I am worthy of the position. He knew the fact that I wanted it so badly and he made sure to use it against all the time. "Perhaps I should be the one carrying out this project, after all it was my idea" Constance suggested. My youngest sibling was a mirror image of my father, inhuman and merciless.

Lucky for us he had to wait for Elon and I to give up the position before he could have a say. "This is Logan's task, you'll get your chance with her. That family has done nothing but cause trouble for us and she will pay the price for it" Father's face reflects pure evilness.

CAPTURED BY HIM (Book I: Captured series)Where stories live. Discover now