29. Logan

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Watching her leave was probably the hardest thing I did today. It was right there giving a close fight to getting out of bed when she was all wrapped around me. Her hair sprawled across the pillow, her tiny hands balled my shirt into fists while she took shallow breaths with her slightly agape mouth. Elle resembled the true definition of angelic and I had somehow managed to drag her into my world.

The easy way to fix that would be to let her go, but now I'm sure more than ever that I cannot bring myself to do that. So I'm going to do my best to protect her. I wanted to stop her from going but knowing the stubbornness that lives inside her, I knew it would be pointless. I could've gone with her and I can almost picture her protest to that idea but I have things to attend to, things like making sure our business moves away from all the dirty money.

I watch as the two cars drive away, the initial part of my plan was to send Josh with her but after what I learned yesterday, I knew I would have to step up her security. I couldn't leave that in the hands of her little friend, he seems incapable of understanding the depth of the trouble she is in.

Her objection to Josh and Doyle was something I had expected from the beginning and that's the exact reason why I didn't even bother mentioning the additional five men I'd arranged to follow her in disguise. Once the cars are out of my sight, I turn to head for my office, where Catherine awaits me.

"It's early, Catherine. Don't you ever just want to sleep in" I mutter as I walk past her and she follows  behind me.

"Not when I sleep alone" She replies swiftly. An image of Elle hugging me in her sleep crosses my mind and Catherine couldn't be any more right about it.

"These are the list of dealings your father intends to make next month" She sets a stack of files in front of me, leaving over the desk a little more than necessary. The plunge in her neckline reveals the top of her breasts, I bet if she would lean in little more they'd spill out of her dress. A sight I'd otherwise enjoy but my mind was too occupied with the woman I had married. And I can't picture myself getting hot and worked up for anyone else anymore.

"You can leave those there" I shift my gaze to the desktop and power it on but I don't miss the way her brows lift in surprise. I knew it right then and there that she wasn't done trying.

"Come on, Logan. I don't know what your deal is with that woman but I for sure can offer you better" Her voice turns low and raspy as she round the table and stands in front of me. When I don't respond, she tugs the sash at her side, the only thing keeping her dress closed together. Soon enough she has taken the opportunity to sit on my lap in nothing but her lingerie.

I pass a glance down at my pants. Fucking nothing. Not even a slight twitch of excitement. "Looks like you need a little help" Even she noticed the lack of interest my cock was showing.

I pry her confident hands away and push her out of my lap. "I don't think I'll be needing that kind of help from you anymore" I state and she looks at me in disbelief.

"Are you kidding me? What has she done to you?" I could feel the anger oozing out of her. I run a hand through my hair, "Catherine, I'm married now and unlike my father I don't wish to sleep around with other women. So can we just keep this professional from now on?"

"You really think she's going to stick around? She doesn't belong in your world Logan" She laughs in my face, picking her dress up as Elon enters with a quick knock and I couldn't be anymore happier to see my brother.

"Whoa, I'm sorry. I thought you were sticking to your bedroom for these kind of activities" His expression shows no remorse as he checks Catherine out. She hurries out of my office, with fumes radiating off of her.

"I thought you were done with fucking around" He mocks at me.

"That's not what this was about. Do you have any information for me or you're just here to waste my time" I roll my eyes back on to the screen and punch in the passcode with boiling rage.

"Geez, you really need to fuck some of that anger out of your system" Elon jokes as he sits in front of me. "You know, once I find Malcom, I really would like to ask him how the fuck he's been incognito for so long. No one seems to have seen or heard from him. Except for the men that you killed last night"

The muscles in my jaw clench at the mention of last night, I went out on a hunting spree like a madman. At first I was angry because someone dared to put their men out on my back but then I caught one of those losers and he confessed that they were sent to kill Elle and that the person who wants her dead is no other than own father.

Why did he want to kill his own blood? I can't seem to answer that question. All I know is he no longer will be trying to rescue her, not that she needed any rescuing from me. However, I need to find him before he tries to cause her harm again.

"I protect what's mine" I blurt out and I think he read the tension behind my voice.

"I'm just saying, killing him was probably not the best move. Anyway, I've got some of our men to look into it, I'll keep you updated" He rises from his seat.

"This stays between us, if father gets even a whiff of this he's going to kill her" I command before he gets to the door and he nods.

Elon leaves me to myself, letting me dwell on the thought that it was indeed a rash move on my part to kill all those bastards. Not that I could help it, I couldn't see clear when the rage of knowing that someone wanted to harm what belongs to me took over me. It's been happening more often now, never before did a woman have such an impact and I seriously needed to fix that before things get way out of my control.

Did you guys see that coming??

Malcom Lively trying to kill his own daughter?!?

I wasn't expecting that either!

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