25. Elle

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"How are you not surprised with all of this?" I look up at Logan who has a small smile plastered to his lips.

There's a swarm of people around the living room, all dressed up for a fancy party. Some men held cameras pointing towards us as soon as they saw us walk in. And I thought this was going to be a closed family dinner. I guess when his mom said celebrate she had the literal meaning of the word in her mind.

"My mom is a bit of an extremist, you'll get used to it" He leans down to whisper in my ear, his breath hot against my skin.

"So you knew about this? A little heads up would've been nice" I fight the urge to roll my eyes, especially when we have so many people watching us.

"And miss this look on your face?" He smirks and I want to kick him for putting me through this. I spot his mom walking towards us, dressed up in a forest green gown. Don't I feel underdressed now. And I have this bastard next to me to blame for it.

"You guys look so perfect together" His mother is literally beaming with delight and I'm standing here wondering how in the world Logan is related to her.

"Thank you, Mrs McKenzie. I'm sorry, I'm not really dressed to entertain so many people"

"Oh please, call me Doris and you look gorgeous, doesn't she, Logan?" She turns to Logan, who has now snaked his arm around my waist.

"I told her not to worry about it" He grins.

"Come on, I want you to meet everyone" She drags me away from Logan's side and I suffered from a tiny panic attack as I weighed my options and tried to come up with a legit story that these people would buy from me. Logan was right about one thing, I am a terrible liar. Always been that way and I never really took any efforts to improve my game. Something that I feel I'm going to be regretting soon.

I scan for Logan from the corner of my eye as his mom introduces me to a couple. He's already mingled with a group of men, the smile on his face could bring any woman down to her knees. Warmth and affection dwelled in his golden eyes but only I knew this was all a façade. The true Logan McKenzie never displayed such emotions to himself, let alone everyone else.

Makes me wonder what actually made him the way he is. How could his father ruin him to this extent? Which makes me think what I'm going to do when I see him? Hiding, although a great option, didn't really make any sense. How long was I supposed to hide for?

Maybe it is good that Doris threw this big party, at least this way he won't try to kill me. If that's still something he wants to go ahead with. I highly doubt he has changed his mind. The thoughts in my brain created a fear so deep that I felt my hand quiver and I had to count the bubbles popping in my champagne flute to distract myself.

I have always been an introvert, didn't mean I was bad social events. My job made sure I knew how to behave around people, fake a smile, pretend to be interested in whatever conversation was going, when I'd rather be at home. In that way I guess we're pretty much similar.

"So how did you two meet?" It's been hours since we came here but that question still hasn't left me alone and it's really starting to wear me down.

"I went for one of her shows, asked her out for drinks and as you can see, we really hit it off" A pair of arms wrap themselves around my waist. I take in a deep breath, those were the exact words I had been telling people this evening. I wasn't sure how he knew about it but I'm not going to probe into that now. All I know is for the time being, I'm going to let him do the talking as I pick up another champagne flute from a passing waiter.

"Looking a little tired there, champ"


I'm about to voice out my objection on his choice of words when I'm shot with another question, "What exactly do you do?" Doris looks at me expectantly as I try to drink down my champagne in a way which is publicly acceptable.

"She plays piano, cello and violin in an orchestra but she also free lances for some events" Logan replies like a dutiful husband and I'm not even fazed by the fact that he knows this. I'm sure if I ask him the name of the orchestra that I work with, he'd be aware of that as well.

"Well, I hope I can come see you one of these days"

"Actually, that's a good idea. How about giving us a private concert right now?"

Oh, no, he didn't.

"Oh my gosh, that would be great. Would you really play for us?"

Fuck me.

Now I'd be the bad guy, if I reject her. How I wanted to strangle Logan in this moment right now as I force a smile to my lips. "Of course—would be my pleasure" I replied in an almost pained voice, grabbing my arm he pulls me to a hallway where a black grand piano stood in a completely white marbled room. Next to it was a spiral stairway, one that probably takes you to heaven.

One by one people started filing in, led by my husband, of course. "Stage is all yours" Logan smirks as he leans down to put a kiss to my cheek. I heard some women giggle in the back and I control the on coming eye roll for the millionth time tonight.

"Asshole" I glare at him and I hope my voice was just venomous enough for him to know how much I hated him.

I make my way to the only piece of furniture in the room and take a seat, feeling the keys against my fingers felt odd yet welcoming. This is the longest I haven't played in a while and to add to it, it's in front of his mother and a bunch of random people who probably started judging me the second they saw Logan's arm wrapped around me.

Yup, no pressure at all.

As my brain swings in overdrive to pick a song, I scan the room one last time. He's staring right back at me in his black suit, a glass of scotch in his hand, looking like he just stepped out of a movie. His lips move slowly as he mouthed, 'make me proud'

I wanted to tell him he can go 'fuck off' instead I found myself nodding at him as I closed my eyes.

A/N :

The video at the beginning of the chapter is the song Elle plays towards the end.

Do you guys listen to classical music?

If yes, name some of your favourite composers...

Mine is Schubert!

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Thank you!!

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