5. Logan

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So many thoughts rushed through my head as I walked past the empty corridors, all of which were consumed by that damn woman. She was a fighter, I had sensed that the moment I met her, but she had no clue what she was up against.

It should've been easy for her to just eat the fucking breakfast, I knew she was starving, the way she almost drooled over the floor the minute she saw food was comical. I noticed how she almost gave in before her brain took over. Unfortunately she didn't know my father at all, she has no clue the kind of maniac he is. What he did to her was just a little teaser of his actual capabilities and I wasn't keen on seeing the rest.

Without bothering to knock, I push open the doors to my father's study. He sat on his red throne, completely unfazed by my presence as he blew out smoke from a Cuban cigar. "Did you teach her a lesson?" His eyes darted up at me.

"I didn't have to, thanks to you" I wanted to roll my eyes at him but experience told me not to, especially since Elle had already strung him up. "She deserves it" Is all he said he glanced back at the file in front of him. "If I may ask, now that we have the girl what do you plan on doing?" I inquire, even though I had a feeling I'm not going to like what I'm about to hear.

"I want to see how much he cares about his daughter" He took another drag, his lips curling up to an evil grin. "And what if he doesn't?" I ask out of curiosity, I really wanted to know what he had in mind for her.

"Then we chop her up, one part at a time and feed her to the hounds" He replied venomously. From past incidents I knew he meant every word he said. I've seen him do this to other men before and he fucking enjoyed every moment of their suffering. All those times I never went against my father, for one I wasn't interested in fighting someone else's battle and secondly, those men had it coming their way.

But when I thought about the woman, it tugged my insides to imagine her meeting the same kind of fate. She didn't deserve it. Paying the price for her father's dealings, it was wrong in every way possible. Stop. It's not your fight.

"So I guess we wait and see?" I hear the clicking of heels behind me. "Don't feed the bitch, she needs to learn her tantrums won't be entertained here" I nodded as I turned to leave. My eyes connecting with dark brown ones.

"Good morning" Cathrine greeted us, her blonde bob cut framed perfectly around her face. Almost immediately images of her sucking my cock off last night rush to my head. I was supposed to be overlooking the shipments but Catherine gives a fucking good blowjob so when she came up to me yesterday I couldn't help myself.

Although now that I look at her I feel no sense of attraction at all or maybe it was because I had found myself a new beauty. My cock was already up with just the thought of her but that was short lived as I spot Elon at the door. He seemed calm as ever, only he could never fool me with his façade.

I begin walking out the office and it's only when the doors are shut that he speaks. "We have a bit of an issue" Of course, we do. I knew this had to do with the woman and for some reason I wasn't even surprised. I would be underestimating her if I did that.

A tiny scream for help rang through the corridors before it got muffled into silence. I brushed past Constance and , coming face to face with a horrified maid. Elle held her in an embrace, sticking a shard of glass to the maid's neck. I could tell she didn't want to do it, the thought of actually hurting another being was crushing her. What I wanted to know was would she really hurt someone to save herself.

"Everyone out" I heard a growl of annoyance from Constance. My little brother got high on spilling blood, didn't matter who did it. He won't get that satisfaction today though. I won't let him and he knows better than to go against me. Elle watches in confusion as everyone disperses and I pull up a chair.

CAPTURED BY HIM (Book I: Captured series)Where stories live. Discover now