Problem Solving

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" Hey! Wake up! " Sky's worried voice echoed in my head. I forced my eyes open and saw Sky infront of me in a blurry vision. He's still wearing my red jacket. I can spot a guy beside him and a green-haired woman beside him too.

I stood up from unconsciousness and the three infront of me also did. I gazed at them, my eyes heavy and blurry " Who are they? " I asked and pointed at the two while rubbing my head.

" Don't tell me that you don't remember them " Sky said with a rattling voice.

I rubbed my eyes and gazed back at the two, but their features are still blurry. I rubbed my eyes again and saw JM and Alexandra in their frantic face " Oh, my eyes were just blurry earlier. "

" What happened? I searched for you after you've begone and found you here passed out " The glint on his eyes purely shows concern for me, even this hallway is dimly lit by torches alone. I looked down the ground.

" I was just brought on somewhere to fight, and suddenly someone helped me... " " Your back, your cheek, and your arm... " Sky said solemnly, cutting my explanation.

" It's fine, I can still hold on it " I answered and stared back at him. He noticed it. Well, it is noticeable for the burn on my back runs through my shoulder " You, how's your gashes? "

" Uhmm, it's not that much hurting though. JM tied the other one already " He answered. I glanced at his right arm and the gash is now covered with garments, soaked in blood. " Your wounds... are healing. "

I gazed at the burn on my arm and when I did. There is no more trace of burn left. I caressed my cheek and there is no more blood flowing and all of the pain disappeared like, magic. I gazed back at my burnt back and saw it in its pristine white feature again " That guy must've healed these. "

" Who's that guy? " JM asked, his head tilted slightly on the side.

" He never mentioned his name to me. I think it's because we were to busy of fighting that he never bothered to tell it. I haven't thanked him either " I explained in disappointment.

" What does he look like? " Sky asked.

" Well, he's very tall, gray-haired and wears a long-long sleeve with black and white stripes " JM and Sky glanced at each other. Are these two hiding something?

" Ow! He's the same man that teleported us in here! What a coincidence! " Alexandra exclaimed.

" Okay, now we must search this maze-like stronghold " I said and broke between the three, and walked straight through the dimly lit hallway.

" Wait, you said that you've surveyed this place right? " Sky asked while following my pace on my side. I nodded " So you should've known the exact location of this weapon? "

" I did, but it was a long time ago. I scarcely remember the details of its exact location. " I contradicted.

" So... how are we gonna find it? " Alexandra interrupted from our back.

" I think we should check every corner of this stronghold. You should lend your ears on the snoring guardian. It is our only lead " I instructed.

We reached the first corner and ended up on nothing. We turned to another hallway and reached a dark end. After leaving the dim end we passed many hallways again and reached another blank corner.

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