Chapter 38 - Invitations & Icy Feelings

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Mia's POV

"Hey honey", my mother greeted me softly when I entered the house.
I immediately knew something was wrong because she never spoke to me softly. I didn't even know she was capable of doing so. I made my way to the couch and then realised the television was switched on.
Coronation Street.

She hadn't watched that annoying show since she started working again. Mostly because she had no time and when she did I made sure she didn't. It was a reminder of my father and if she needed to forget about him to be happy then I was not against it.

"You're home early", I said slumping down onto the couch next to her.

" I decided to take the rest of the day off and catch up on all the television I've missed", she replied in a monotonous way.

I edged myself close to her, her eyes were fixed on the television and so I tried to force her into looking at me.

"Yes baby? ", she eventually spoke as she turned her head toward me.

"What's wrong? "

"What's wrong? Nothing is wrong", she shrugged me off and looked back at the television.

" You forget that I'm your child and I know you, so are you going to lie to me again or just tell me?", I asked raising an eyebrow.

"It's Marlon, he's gone and I miss him, I have no one. "

"You have me!"

" I know angel but you know-", she shook her head distraught.

"Yes I know, and I'm so happy, I hope he stays there forever", I laughed.

"Mia Grace Archer! "

"I'm joking, just some sardonic humor to numb the pain", I smiled at her grimly.

She smiled back but I saw a tear fall from her eye right onto her silk blouse.

"I hate him even more now for making you cry", I replied making a face at her.

" Everyone I love gets taken from -", before she could finish the sharp shrill of the house phone rang.

"I'm still here", I reminded her trying to ignore the deafening sound.

" Don't ever leave me darling", she said as she answered the phone.

I watched her closely, admiring her beauty. The way she raised her eyebrows, the way she opened her mouth slightly and spoke smoothly. Soft, warm words.

"How are you Maribelle?Yes it'sbeen so long since we've spoke, the girl's birthday is coming up isn't it? "

I immediately had a flashback to New Year's Day when my mother called Aunt Maribelle to wish her and the family the best of luck for the year ahead.
That was definitely a long while ago.

"Let me speak to Clare", I whispered to my mother while she was in the middle of telling Aunt Maribelle something about a man that came to the firm.

"Mari, Clare's cousin wants to speak to her", my mother said loudly.

I heard Aunt Maribelle laugh and say something, then my mother handed me the phone.

I brought it to my ear and heard a sweet voice greet me.

" Clare!", I exclaimed in excitement. I hadn't seen my cousin in months.
Clare and I were close since birth, we were inseparable until they forcefully seperated us. I hate to think about the day they moved to...

"Mia,my birthday is this Saturday! You're coming right!You and mom! ", Clare said in a ecstatic voice.

" Yes, yes I wouldn't miss it. I honestly can't wait. "

"I have so much to tell you, so much. "

"Boyfriend? "

"Crush, but I'm crushing hard", she said with a laugh.

"Well I hope you invited him to your epic party", I said smiling to myself.

" I did, I hope he comes", she said hopefully.

"He will, or else I'll go to his house and fetch him."

"I love you, I have to go. Your aunty wants to talk to my aunty", Clare said with a laugh.

"Bye Clare Bear, I love you", I said happily as I gave the phone back to my mother.

" Mari? ", she spoke into the phone.

I saw her smile when the voice on the other side echoed.

" Are you okay?"I whispered to her unsure if she was still upset and wanted to talk.

"I am now baby, I love you", she mouthed back to me.

I smiled as I made my way up to my room, I didn't have any work I needed to get done because the first quarter of the year was almost officially over.
I took off my sweater and threw it onto my bed, a second after I threw myself onto my bed. I laid there just staring at the damaged ceiling, the dent from my father and I playing soccer inside the house still seemed like a vivid memory in my mind even though it happened years ago. I turned onto my stomach and buried my face into the mattress. When I lifted my head up, I felt the tiny droplets falll from my eyes and stain the satin bedding.
I was crying, only I wasn't crying because I had thought of my father. I was crying for Trent.

The thoughts that lived in my mind had crept up on me again. I found myself questioning why things never worked between us, why he did what he did and why he would choose Sarah.
Things could have been so different if only Trent loved me.
If only he loved me, he never loved me and that realisation hurt me enough. I loved Trent, I loved him so much and he hurt me so much. Now he wants to be with her, Sarah's going to get everything I've ever wanted.
I was over Trent, I loved Jamie but I couldn't deny the fact that this really did hurt me.

Sarah was going to get my love.

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