61 - Group Dates & Gullible Girls

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"Pull in here",I said from the passenger seat after I read Yoko's urgent text. They decided to change the plans for the night ahead.

He watched me from the corner of his eye. It was like he was having trouble trying to concentrate on the road.
I wondered if it was because I was next to him. I couldn't take my eyes of him.

"Here? Isn't the escape room further down town",he questioned.

"Change of plans, we're going to play mini golf now",I smiled realising that mini golf was much more exciting than an escape room.

"Can you people ever just make a decision and stick with it?", he rolled his eyes as he turned into the entrance of the miniature golf course.

"Someone actually wanted to go to the escape room", I teased.

"No", he said as he looked in search of a parking spot.

"Thanks for doing this, my friends can be a little... you know. Also Trent is going to be here and I appreciate that you're being mature about the entire thing", I said looking at him as he backed into the parking spot.

"Don't thank me now, thank me at the end of the night if Trent still has his teeth", he replied as he turned off the engine.

He didn't look at me to see my reaction but instead he got out of the car and shut the door. He looked out the window and saw Yoko with the rest of them and so naturally I got out of the car and walked toward them.

"Hey guys",I smiled.

Yoko and Malachi greeted me excitedly. Penelope didn't acknowledge my existence which made me realise that I needed to apologise to her sooner than later. I looked over to see Christian. I pressumed he had was Penelope's date and I greeted him with a smile,he returned the favor.

"Come over here",I waved to Jamie who reluctantly came over to join us.

"Greetings", he said forcing a smile.

"You know Yoko and Penelope, and these two are Malachi and Christian", I gave an introduction trying to make it less awkward than it already was.

"Sarah and Trent aren't here yet",Yoko said with a frown.

"We're here! We're here!", Sarah's loud voice boomed through the air and within a second she ran toward us pulling Trent along with her.

"Yay, we're all here!",Yoko exclaimed and it seemed as if she was actually happy.

"Ready to play some mini golf!", Sarah yelled.

"You mean ready to lose!",Penelope piped competitively.

"Well what are we waiting for? Let's get to it",Christian joined the chatter.

"Hey Penelope",I called to her. Loud enough so she could hear me but not loud enough for everyone to eavesdrop.


"Could we talk for a moment?", I said hoping she would agree.

"Sure",she said emotionless.

"Jamie could you give us a moment",I asked turning to him.

"Don't be too long",he frowned a little and then placed a kiss on my cheek.

On the way to the course I had told Jamie that Penelope and I needed to work some things out. He didn't ask any questions all he said was that he understood.

"What do you want from me?",Penelope asked me in a shrude tone.

"I wanted to apologise."

"Apologise?",she said as if she was shocked at my words.

"I owe you an apology Penelope. I'm sorry that I allowed anything to happen between Marcellous and I and I am sorry that I didn't tell you. You're my best friend and I can't lose you"

Penelope looked at me and then frowned.

"I guess I overreacted and said some things I shouldn't have",she shrugged.

"I'm happy you did because I'd never want you to hide the way you feel from me", I explained.


"Please don't fight with me, I hate it when we fight. I'm really sorry for everything. I just want my best friend back", I said fighting back my tears.

"I don't want to fight either",Penelope smiled.



I stepped forward and hugged Penelope tightly. She wrapped her arms around me and I felt happy. I really cared about Penelope and I cherished the bond we shared. I didn't want anything to come between us and break that bond, especially a boy.

I wouldn't be able to live with myself knowing that I played a part in hurting someone as pure as Penelope Martin. She was an angel and losing her was not part of my game plan.

"I've missed you",I sighed as we broke away from our hug.

"I missed you too,sorry if I was a.."

"Oh I'm used to that",I giggled cutting her off.

"Who invited the biggest douche bag in Oregon by the way", Penelope rolled her eyes as we began walking.

"Play nice, I told Jamie that too",I warned.

"I'm happy you and Jamie are back together",Penelope smiled.

I felt like she meant it. I knew Penelope would do anything for Jamie and I and I appreciated it because I would do anything for Penelope.

"Let's have fun tonight, it's all about Yoko and Chi remember", I reminded her.

"Yes ma'am."

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