77 - Bad News & Bad Boys

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Mia's Pov

"What's going on in there?",I asked Scott as we made our way inside.

"Mr Stanley is addressing the guests and then we're going to have the first dance of the night", Scott smiled.

His eyes were almost the same colour as his shirt, although I questioned his choice of not wearing a coat.

"You look beautiful by the way",he said to me as we walked down the hallway.

"You clean up well yourself, I must say",I gave him a look.

"Thank you, thank you.",he winked. " Well done on this, you really made all of this happen you know",Scott nodded.

"You did most of the heavy lifting",I shrugged.

"Seriously, Mia. My grandmother and the oldies have probably never had an experience like this in a while. Thank you",Scott replied as we entered the hall.


I turned to meet the owner of the voice. The elderly hispanic man gave me a wide smile. As he extended his hand to me.

"May I have this dance?"

"Mr Perez, I would love to but Nana Abraham's is over there and I think she would be a better parnter than me",I said as I spotted Nana and Sarah.

"Good thinking",Mr Perez wiggled his eyebrows at me.

Scott and I laughed as we made our way to Sarah and Nana.

"I love your look this evening, Nana",I greeted the old woman.

"There you are!I have been looking for you everywhere! Don't you answer your phone Mia?",Sarah lashed out at me in loud whispers before Nana could even greet me.

"What's going on?",Scott asked in confusion.

"I'm sorry, I think my phone is on silent",I said just as confused as he was.

"Mia! Your cousin was trying to call you",Sarah started.

I subtly pulled my phone out of my bra and looked at my notifications.

"Twelve missed calls from Clare and nine from Raf!",I exclaimed as I became anxious.

"Your mom's in hospital, she fainted at work. I think her sugar levels were high",Sarah explained as she pulled me to the exit of the events hall and Scott followed.

"What?I have to get to the hospital like right now!",I said as I felt an anxiety attack coming on.

"I can take you both, come on my car is in the parking lot",Scott said as he shoved his hand into his pocket and retrieved his car keys.

"Come on let's go, I'll text Carla from the car and tell her what's going on",Sarah said quickly as we headed to the parking lot.

I followed them to the car unaware of what I was actually doing. It didn't feel like I was walking, it didn't feel like I was breathing.

"Wait, what about Jamie?",I spoke without even hearing my own words come out of my mouth.

"Forget about him", Sarah said as she opened the door to the passenger seat of Scott's blue Nissan.

I slid into the seat and didn't even put on my seatbelt. I felt my face get warm and my throat begin to close up.

"We good?",Scott asked from beside me.

"Yes, just go",Sarah said from the backseat and Scott fired up the engine.

I remained still in my seat. I couldn't even roll my window down. I wanted to but I couldn't. My body didn't allow me to.

"Mia?",Sarah called to me.

I wanted to answer her but when I opened my mouth, no words came out.
All I could think about was my mother. I knew she was eating too much sugar. I knew that I wasn't being dramatic. I should have done something. Something more. I could have stopped this but it was too late. I was always too late. In everything. I was cursed. No I was a curse. To everyone around me. That's why Trent cheated on me, Penelope and Yoko hated me and my dad died. Now my mother was going to die too. She was going to die because of me,because I was such a terrible daughter. I was a disappointment to her and my father.


Sarah's loud exclaim brought my attention to her and I turned to face her as I noticed that Scott was driving extremely fast.

"It's going to be okay",Sarah spoke softly.

"We're almost there",Scott said looking ahead.

"It's going to be okay",I whispered. "No it's not, it's all my fault. I deserve this. If she dies it's my punishment, I deserve to be alone, to be empty!",I yelled with tears in my eyes.

"Stop it, Mia",Sarah shook her head. "Pull in here",she said to Scott.

"I deserve it, I deserve all of this!He was taken from me, my father left because I wasn't good enough!",I said as I opened the car door and got out.

The hospital parking lot was quiet and I could finally hear myself speak.

"I'm going to lose her! I can't lose her!", I said as I began running to the entrance of Oregon County Hospital.

"Mia!',Sarah called after me.

"Mia, wait!",Scott screamed but I continued to run as I held the chain around my neck to keep it from moving with my motions.

I could feel them running after me but I ran faster. It was adrenaline. I felt tears gush down my face and figured my make-up was probably messed up. My hair was falling and so were my pins. My shoes hurt my feet and I fought the urge to kick them off.

As I entered the double doors of the hospital someone grabbed me with an undeniable force.

I fought to escape but their power encapsulated me. I finally gave up and when I did I felt the person slowly release their grip they had on me.Their hands now gripped me like a warm embrace.

"Calm down, it's just me."

"Leo?", I said letting go of the grip I had on my chain.

"Hi, Princessa."

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