62 - Large Housed And Lustful Teenagers

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Jamie drove into the garage of his house. It was the first time I had ever seen Jamie's house and it was huge. I didn't know his parents were so well off. His dad must have been an astronaut or something. The garage looked so fancy that I didn't mind not going into the actual house but Jamie had a different idea. He was already outside the passenger door and he opened it so I could get out.

"Thank you", I smiled at his chivalry.

"Did you have fun tonight?", he asked as he closed the door behind me.

"Yes I did, in fact I think everyone did. Especially Yoko and Chi", I said thinking about how much they giggled when they were playing mini golf together.

"They're cute. You and Penelope worked things out?", he asked as he gestured to me to enter the house.

"Yes, you think she would have been that nice to me if we didn't?", I laughed as I walked through the door and into Jamie's house.

"Is she with that Christian guy?"

"I'm not sure actually", I shrugged not really paying attention to Jamie but instead taking in the extravagance of the house.

"And Sarah and Trent are a thing?"

"Yeah", I said looking around.

"That's great, I still don't like him though, or trust him around you",Jamie said grabbing my hand and taking me to the living room. He turned on the light and then adjusted it until it was a little dim.

"Thank you for being mature", I said thinking about the conversation we shared earlier in the evening.

"I would do anything for you and knowing that I would have you here, all to myself like I do right now got me through it", Jamie smirked.

"You have that mischievous look,should I be worried?", I asked smiling as I sat down on the couch in front of the television which was massive.

"uh- do you want something to drink?", Jamie inquired.

"No thank you, come over here. Aren't we going to watch wrestling?", I retorted.

He nodded and slipped in next to me on the couch. He grabbed the television remote and turned on the television.

"I haven't watched in a while", I

"Neither have I."

"I'm kinda excited", I lied.

"Really? I mean, yeah the matches I prerecorded are supposed to be great",Jamie smiled as he pressed play.

I concentrated on the television but it was difficult knowing that Jamie was right next to me. All I wanted to do was kiss him. That's what I wanted to do since I saw him standing at my front door when he came to fetch me. We just never got a chance to be alone at the mini golf course so I couldn't steal a kiss from him.

Now he was right here and we were alone. I was just too nervous to kiss him also I wasn't sure if he would get annoyed if I distracted him from the match.

A few minutes past. Jamie said nothing. We just watched Brock Lesnar break bones. I couldn't take it anymore.
I was about to say something when Jamie spoke.

"I can't. I can't concentrate on this stupid show when you're right next to me and you smell so good",Jamie shook his head.

"I'm sorry", I blurted not knowing what to say.

"That's okay, I forgive you", Jamie said and he moved closer to me until I could feel his breath on my face. He brought his hand to my neck and pulled me into a kiss.

Our lips crashed into each other and I felt high. The intensity of the moment hit me like a slap in the face. Our tongues began to dance and all I knew was that I didn't want it to end. Jamie's hand began to roam around my body and I realised that Jamie and I had never shared such a moment before. Things between us had never been so heated. I felt my fingers brush through his hair unknowingly. He moved my hair and began planting small,tender kisses on my collar bone.

My breathing hitched and l felt all tingly. I couldn't describe how he made feel. Jamie pushed his body closer to me until I found myself laying flat on the couch. He hovered over me and I couldn't help but chew on my bottom lip. He began kissing me further up on my neck and his hands dropped to the hem of my blouse. He lifted it up and I helped him remove it from my body without even realising what I was doing. He looked down at my black bra and bare stomach and then he arched his body and removed his shirt. I stared at his chest and his abdomen. He didn't exactly have a six pack but what I looked at were abs and pecs or pectoral muscles rather. He was toned and I wondered how I had not noticed how brawny Jamie was. I reached my hand out and touched him. His body was smooth but hard. I don't know what came over me but I picked myself up and continued kissing Jamie. I broke away from the kiss and began kissing him along his chest cavity and all the way down to his abdomen. His breathing became rushed and I could feel the change in motion.

"Mia, wait", he said and I halted in my tracks.

"Is something wrong, is it me?", the words came out of my mouth before I could actually think.

"No no, can we just stop for a second?", he asked and I immediately nodded. He backed up off me and sat properly on the couch and I sat up.

In that moment I realised that I was sitting shirtless on Jamie's couch. My bra and breasts on display. I felt myself turn red and reached for my shirt that was next to Jamie. I slipped it on.

Jamie sat expressionless and looked ahead. He was shirtless and he looked as good as ever.

"I'm sorry, Mia", he sighed as he ran his hand through his hair and right after he grabbed his shirt and threw it on.

"You're scaring me", I admitted.

"Don't be scared, it's nothing to do with what we were just doing. In fact I wish I didn't stop what we were just doing because damn...",he chuckled a little.

I couldn't hide my smile but I didn't spend to much time analysing what Jamie had just said because clearly something else was on his mind.

"What is it then?"

"It's everything."

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