Epilogue 2

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Gupta House

She returned to her home just few hours back and went inside her room without answering anyone and honestly she didn't want to.She wanted some time for herself,to think and to rejuvenate;to think how to rejuvenate herself .The pain,the agony and the assaults of her family seems to be heavy which she has to carry.

She sat down by her window and is looking outside.It's totally dark outside,there is a half moon peeking out from behind the clouds to accompany her with her pain it seems.She looked at the two twinkling stars in the sky.She looked at another star beside the two twinkling stars, twinkling brightly.

She looked at the bright star and assuming it to be her Mother-in-law, thought to share her pain with her Mother-in-law.

"Why?Why does I am the one who is always taken for granted?",Asked Kushi looking at the third star, shedding silent tears accompanied with the silence around her , just a splash of wind and the smell of drakness with just a moonlight.

She didn't got any answers instead the star started twinkling more brightly, indicating her of her Mother-in-law's presence over her grief,as if she is there for sharing and Consoling her daughter-in-law.She looked at now brighter star and remembered her happy-go-lucky days in Lucknow.Her hazel nut expressive eyes twinkled for a second.She decided,to make the twinkle present in her eyes for forever;What she has to do-She will do at any cost.She will have to.

With the same thought she went to sleep , hoping for a morning where she have to start rejuvenating herself.

And just like that the darkness around her vanished in thin air with in few hours as if the darkness itself want to never enter her life again, as if the darkness itself want send it's enemy, the delightful light in her life.As if the light itself want to embrace her.

It was morning and she is all ready for rejuvenation, with a content smile,daring her pain to disturb those beautiful smile.That's when her husband entered and she did what she had to.

Arnav ji, It's really good thought to start afresh but there's no use of starting afresh, now.Because to be honest,I'm in pain and I couldn't able to forget your's and family's ignorance towards me.If we start afresh from now on,I can't promise I can think of US and only US because this pain which I am suffering from is very raw which was caused by not only you but our family as well.With this pain in my heart,We can't think about us and definitely you can't heal me with your lovey dovey behaviour.If I spent some time being my self , not as Kushi Singh Raizada but just as Kushi Gupta , like I was before , carefree and happy in my little world,I'm sure I can able to cope up with the pain and eventually I will forget the pain.But if at all I continued as Kushi Singh Raizada, You being tied to me ,I can't be stable with my pain because May I forgive you at anytime and forget the pain just because of you.I may Forgive you if I'll be with you and this forgiveness will not give me any peace , atleast at some point of time,a time where I may face the situation, again.So, the forgiveness which I'll give in should remove all my pain making me live in peace and I believe this will only happen when I'll not consider of US.Six months,I want six months to recover.I want six months life of Kushi Gupta.

After letting out the whispers that are roaming around her heart,She felt nice.A feeling knowing that she is soon going to fight her pain and agony,Embrace a child in her who lost somewhere, Boost herself up with her everything she could.

She started making sweets, playing with kids and playing pranks along with her kiddos party.She went to Shimla,the place where her mother nad father used to stay, the place where was she born.She went to her home,her own little world she had created when she was a little child.A place where no one knows her.No body who is there to question her, taunt her, judge her.

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