Part 17

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We finally saved her, only for this bitch to show up, and try to kill her. I can't even touch my woman without her flinching, and this woman tries to kill her! "I can't wait to make you scream." I hiss as I toss her into a cell. "I won't scream. I am Little Momma. Beauty, please see me." She whispered hoarsely, and was almost choking on her words. "No, one would come out still intact after what she went through. Nice try. Plus, you are too healthy." I snarled. I watched her fall to her knees, and a tear fall from her eye. "I can prove it to you." She whispered. I stopped, curious as to what this copy would say. Probably that we had some good romp. "The first time you caught me down here." She tried to clear her throat. "I was mentally messing with a guy. I called for you." I scoffed. "She could have told you that, or he had in a earpiece. You go the recording." She growled and tugged on the bar. "The day before I was sold to Ryan, I got pass out drunk. I jumped into your arms and straddled you. You caught me by my ass." I started laughing, "Everyone saw that." She crossed her arms. "It was the first and last time you touched my ass, the next day. You wouldn't even look at me." She spat. I grabbed her my her throat. "You are very well informed, but you can speak and my Ole Lady can't. She was forced into silence, to save her friend, who we still need to save." I dragged her to meet my eyes. Hers held a challenge. "When you realize who I am, remember when I say this Beauty. I forgive you, i love you, and choking me is definitely a turn on." She coughed. "I know you aren't Little Momma now, she wouldn't love us. Not after what Ryan drilled into her." I walked away. "I love you!" She tried to yell, but started hacking and coughing. The guys were waiting for me at the top of the stairs. I shook my head and walked away. I needed to see Momma. 

She was laying in her bed, staring blankly at the wall. "I am so sorry that happened. I will have someone stay in the room, so he can't get to you." Her eyes grew wide, and she shook her head, tears welling in them. "Little Momma, we need to keep you safe. We have to get kitten out as well." I said a little bit harsher than I should, and she flinched. "I'm sorry. For everything, including how I acted before you were taken. Can you forgive me?" I was nearly begging, she looked straight at me, and then shook her head. "I understand. I'll leave you be. I'll put Buddy just inside the door." She didn't acknowledge me, so I sighed and left. I sent Buddy into her room. They were good friends before, I am hoping filling her room with her friends and family will help. "Beauty, I just got told there is two of Momma." Hog stomped up to me. I rubbed my eyes, I was exhausted. It was two in the morning. "Yes, the copy broke in and tried to kill the real one. She is being held in the cells, and fair warning. She is trying to convince us she is the real one. No one would still be sane, after that." I scoffed, but Hog just shook his head. "Momma wasn't sane before she was taken. Beauty, Little Momma fit and can handle us, because she was broken before she came here." Hog set two hands on my shoulders, and it was like he was talking to a small child. "Don't go down there until tomorrow." I growled at him. He sighed, but held his hands in surrender and nodded. I was finally able to go to bed.

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