Part 18

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I was in a cell again. At least this cell I wasn't being tortured, yet. Beauty would torture me if he could, just for scaring his precious Carbon. All because, he can't fathom that I would be still me. He is going to severely kick himself when he comes to realize I am the real Little Momma. I do love him, and I forgive him, he won't accept it, because he doesn't think he deserves forgiveness. Sitting in our cells, I like so much better than Ryan's. Ours are in a basement, have actual grey metal bars, are damp and musty. Ryan's its a constant mind game as to whether or not you are in a cage. It was constantly a cage. I had been sitting her with my eyes closed. I guess I wasn't completely fine, since I don't really sleep. I will doze, but can never really fall asleep, because he trained me to never be vulnerable. 

I heard heavy footsteps coming down the stairs. I see Hog with a full scraggly beard. I can't help but smile at him. He stands in front of my cell door, and crossed his arms. He has his gun on him, and his knife, but is far enough away I couldn't get them. "What is my name?" I smile because I am one of the few people who know his real name. Hog, or Harold Ophelia Gray." I smiled, and closed my eyes. My throat still hurt, but I also needed a drink. "Ryan could have found out my name. What made us close?" He already believed me, but had to come up with something Ryan couldn't give to the double. "Hog, we became close because you decided to act like an asshole and trash your room. I dragged you up there by your ear. I threatened no special brownies. Then you were shot. I took the bullet out, Snake hit me, then I nursed you back to health. Oh, special brownies aren't pot brownies, but brown sugar brownies." I finally got it out, and tried clearing my throat. "MOMMA!!" Hog cried, and unlocked the cell door. HE scooped me up and hugged me. "I knew you weren't that shell up there. You were already broken, like me. You can't break more, once you are this broken." Hog said quietly, I squeezed him tight, and nodded. "Can I have some water?" He pulled back and nodded. Pulling out a water bottle, then a thermos of coffee, just the way I like it.

Hog and I were sitting inside the cell, giggling, and talking. He was catching me up on club drama, and stuff with my bar. I told him about Kitten, and he held me while I cried. WE had finished the coffee. "Momma, you need to sleep. I'll stay so you can sleep. I" He started, but got this far away look. "I remember not feeling safe enough to sleep, so you don't." I stroked his beard, and nodded. He opened his arms, and I curled up into them. He held me while I drifted away, for the first decent sleep in six months.

"What the fuck do you think you are doing, Hog?" Beauty bellowed, and it made me want to submit. "This is the real Momma. She needed sleep, so I held her." He challenged back. Beauty came flying towards him, to beat him for talking back. I stood in his way, from where Hog put me behind him. Beauty hit me, instead of Hog. "Don't take your anger out of him. I am the one you are angry out. If you need to hit someone, hit me." I offered myself up, standing back up from where the punched knocked me down. "Still don't think its Little Momma? Who else would take a full hit from you." Hog growled, wrapping arms around my waist. "She is the copy, just wants us believe her. I will beat the truth out of her." Beauty huffs out, collecting himself. Hog growls, and tucks me into him. "Hog, its okay. He needs this. He has to punish someone for how he feels." I stroked his arm, coaxing him to let me go, and not get in trouble. He sighed, and kissed my head. "Love you, Little Momma." He whispered. "Love you too, baby boy." I turned and kiss his forehead. Once he was out of the cage. "By the way Beauty, she could have killed both of us. I still have my gun and knife." He pulls both out to show him. 

"Stupid girl. Should have killed me when you had the chance." Beauty tsks. I scoff and roll my eyes. "Yes, because I would kill one of the men I love. I let Kitten die, her blood spraying all over me, so I could keep you all safe. I won't kill or hurt any of you." I cross my arms. "Kitten is still alive, Momma confirmed it." He hissed. "She been dead for two months. Aren't you going to question if I am the real Little One, how I got free?" I used the original name he gave me, and I was proud of what I did. "Let me guess you sneaked out, when a guard left your tower door unlocked. " He mocked me. "No, I used my guards lust for me against him, and ripped his neck out with my teeth. Then I licked the blood off my lips, and stole a sport bike, which I park a few blocks from here." He lost his smirk pretty fast, when I smirked he punched me again. "My Ole Lady can't even defend herself anymore, and you are in her telling me that you killed a guy by biting his neck?" He started choking me. "Yes, I still forgive you, my love." Black dots were invading my vision. I let go, if he had to kill me to believe me, then I would die for him. "Beauty!" Reno yanked Beauty away, and Scar grabbed me. "I love all of you. Sorry, it took so long to tell you." The darkness took over.

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