Chapter Nineteen

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When I woke up, the sun was already streaming through the windows, sending streaks of light tumbling over my flooring and the quit that covered my shivering body. The cold was evident, frost covering the window panes. The second thing I noticed was the significant lack of ballgown, instead, I was wearing a pair of black silk pyjamas. I had no idea who changed me out of my dress, but I hoped that it wasn't Maddox. No way was I ready for anything like that.

The third thing I noticed was the large body snoring softly next to me, a large arm was thrown over my waist, his head facing down into the pillow. I couldn't help but smile at the sight.

Maddox was completely dead to the world, and I knew that he wouldn't be waking up anytime soon. I carefully moved his arm off my body, allowing myself to be able to stand up and leave the room without waking him up. I let my bare feet touch the frozen wood boards. I carefully tip-toed towards the bathroom, careful not to make any noise. I entered the ensuite, quickly went to the toilet and then washed my hands. As I stared in the mirror, I couldn't help but think I looked like an absolute mess. I picked up the hairbrush and ran it through my hair to try and make it look less like a birds nest and more like hair. I was still tired, so I didn't waste to much time in making myself presentable. I walked out of the room and saw Maddox sitting up completely straight in the bed, looking more tired than me.

"Good morning," I said softly, dragging his attention to me, "Did you sleep well?"

He nodded, "Come back to bed, I'm still sleepy."

I chuckled, not moving from my spot, "I thought we were to be in different rooms?"

Maddox shrugged, yawning, "I'm king. I'll do as I please when it comes to my mate,"

I knew better than to try and argue with that logic, so I walked back over and climbed into bed. I didn't sit right next to him this time though. A thought came to mind,

"Isn't this the first time we've shared a bed?" I realized, slightly embarrassed.

Maddox moved his head out of the pillow and gave a wolfish grin, "I suppose it is dove, I apologize, I didn't really feel like leaving you alone after... well, everything that happened. I honestly thought that you would be a lot madder, but if you're still not ready, its fine, I won't do it again until you say-"

"It's fine," I cut him off, "Last night, something changed. And it feels so stupid to say, but I feel closer to you. More- I don't know, willing to trust you?"

He hummed peacefully, still half asleep, "Mate bond dove, whatever I did set off a chain reaction of feelings."

I leaned down onto my side, my face meeting his, Maddox's eyes still closed, "Did you get that with me?"

He shook his head, the grin still evident on his face. "Well kind of, it works differently for me dove, but when I first saw you, I didn't see any bruises or blood. I just saw you, and you've had me around your finger since that very moment. Every little thing you do makes me fall more and more hopelessly in love you. But most wolves would say the same thing about their mate."

I ran my fingers over the linen covering the bed, "I'm sorry. Sometimes I forget just how different this whole thing is for each of us."

Still asleep, he put a hand on my arm, "Don't worry about it, you're trying to understand, and you haven't left me yet out of fear, so take your time dove, I'm certainly not going anywhere."

His touch awoke the dormant butterflies in my stomach, but my heart flared. I forget to remember just what I'm doing to him, in the sense of not having a regular relationship. It's fine, I reminded myself. I was getting there, getting to the point that most she wolves are when they meet their mate. He

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