Chapter Twenty Two

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Thankfully, the pups had no problem with running.

I brought them into the main hub of the castle, which was also the centre of the castle. As we passed another window, I paused and took a moment to look out, just to scan the skies. If there waws any more bombs to come, I certainly couldn't see any. The clouds were sparse so I breathed a sigh of relief, it seemed that the bomb that was sent down was alone. I had no idea if there was any way I could contact Maddox in wolf form, but I knew that he would be back soon, the bomb only prompting a sooner finish.

I was worried.

So soon after the attack back at Margaret and Charles estate, that, for me, confirmed that all these attacks were orchestrated. And directed only to kill the wolves... all of the theories that had been suggested at the meeting were quickly being proved true. But that didn't matter, at least not right now. They weren't my priority at the moment. After all, Sera still hadn't calmed down, and I could practically feel Tayla shaking.

"Is there any way we can get your boyfriend over here or something?" Elijah asked, trying to calm down a sobbing Teo.

I shook my head, "No way to contact him. But Maddox and everyone else will be back soon. Until then, here is the plan, we get down to the entrance so they don't spend hours trying to find us. We calm down the kids, and I'm going to find someone who knows what happened."

I took everyone down two more hallways until we were standing a few metres away from the door. I had everyone sit down in a circle, jut to try and make the younger ones feel safer. I stand up and walk over to one of the phones that were hanging by the door on the wall. I scanned my finger down the list of numbers until I found one I needed.

It started dialling, "Who is it?"

I ignored the rude tone, "My names Elora, is this Mr Tyeld, Head Butler of the Palace?"

"Yes, that would be correct. What do you need?" He replied in a clipped tone,

"Do you have a Belial under your employment? I need him," I asked, trying to keep my voice as hushed as possible,

The man sighed, "Miss Elora, that isn't something I can disclose to you. The castle is currently unable to take requests as if you haven't realised, there has been an attack-"

"Yes, I am aware. And as Queen, I doubt that saying now would be a good idea. Have Belial sent down to the entrance hall, now."

"Your highness, I'm so sorry, I didn't realise-" he spluttered, his voice quickly became urgent.

"It's fine, just send him down, as soon as you can please," I ordered. I was met with an 'of course your highness, right away,' and afterwards, I promptly hung up the phone.

I sat back down in the circle, letting Arya climb up into my lap,

"We're ok, aren't we Aunty Lor?"

I nodded, "Of course, I'm getting it all sorted right now,"

She leaned against me, "Is Mum and dad nearly here?"

"I want Mumma and Dadda," Teo squealed, listening in to his older sisters words.

"Mmmmmm, me too!" Whimpered Beau, "Are they coming back?"

Tayla only nodded along, sitting right next to her older brother.

I nodded, "Of course, they won't be long. But until they get here, you all need to keep being brave, alright?"

At that moment, I heard the sharp clicking of shoes against the floor, meaning that Belial had arrived.

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