Chapter Thirty Nine

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Nero knew my plan even before I did.

I thought I had a chance, turns out I didn't.

As I turned a corner, Nero was there waiting, my entire body crashing into him with a fury of force. His large arm wrapped around my neck, pulling me off my feet entirely.

"Nice try," He gritted, "But unfortunately, that's just not going to work."

I had no way to respond, but I would guess that the tears now drying under my eyes. I could feel my airways closing, my breaths sparse as his grip became tighter as we moved.

My eyes felt glued shut, blood coming out as I coughed, my face most likely going a gruesome shade of purple.

I felt my body being dragged down another set of stairs, though I knew we were heading in a completely different direction than usual. I was probably being put in a new cell for whatever reason, one that was even more difficult to escape from, as if I'd even have the chance.

I knew something was seriously wrong when I could feel the dampness in the air, when I could hear a slow drip of water against plastic pipes. I heard the swing of a doorway before my entire body was catapulted forward. I opened my eyes, pushing my hands out in a way to brace the fall. I felt my body slam against the floor, something black and sticky immediately smearing itself on me. I could feel what felt like glass shards stab into my hands and bare skin. I choked back a sob.

The loud swing and slam of the cell door falling back into place jarred me back into reality

Trapped again, like a mouse being toyed with before the cats decide its purpose would be better spent elsewhere.

A loud sob erupted from my mouth as I moved onto my back, slowly moving so my back connected with the wall. Compared to this cell, the one I had been in before was a five-star resort.

While it was much more spacious than my last, it was also much more disgusting. It was clear that I wasn't the first occupant.

There was virtually no light, no light switches or windows, only a small lightbulb near the door. I leaned my head back against the wet, brick wall. I felt disgusting, the pain really beginning to settle in as my adrenaline was slowly beginning to fade.

I didn't want to look down at my leg, knowing that it would easily be the worst injury that I have ever sustained. 

I had no idea what was happening upstairs, though as I sat here, literally in my own filth, the more I doubted that it was Maddox, or anyone coming with the intention to save me or any others that were imprisoned here.

I would have to rescue myself, figure out my own escape plan.

I had no idea how long I had been here, though I knew that the longer I was, the worst I would be. 

I needed to get out.

But perhaps not now, maybe when I could stand properly, that would most likely be the best course of action.

I would get out of here,

Unless of course, I died first, which was highly likely.

I heard a door open, a beam of light streaming down for just a moment before it was abruptly shut off. It was probably Nero again, but perhaps he wasn't alone.

I could hear something else, like someone struggling against ropes or trying to talk while being gagged. They ended up back in front of my cell door. It wasn't Nero, it was Lucifer and Judas, both holding two imprisoned bodies in tow.

"Enjoy the family reunion," Judas sneered as Lucifer pulled open the gate.

The bodies were thrown in my direction, I cringed at the sound of the impact.

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