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It had been six months since Test Subject 312 arrived at the facility.

I remember the morning of its arrival as clear as day; I'd only just been promoted to Level 5.

Level 5 was an elite sector of Mediheal Laboratories and included some of the most intelligent and conscientious scientists from around the world. Compared to them, I was a mere baby in the world of science.

Level one and two belonged to what we called the 'basic sciences'. Everyone started at level one and moved up, even me. Then, level 3 centered around the human genome. Scientists worked ruthlessly trying to find cures to some of the devastating ailments plaguing the globe. Level 4 belonged to government issues and weapons. It was a risky sector where a slight mistake could upset the balance of an entire country. However, when it came to danger, nothing compared to Level 5.

Level 5 was a mystery on most parts. Even after working there for 6 months, I still wasn't one hundred percent certain on what the main operation was. All I knew was that my job was important and a minor mishap could cost me my job, or even my life.

I'd always known that Level 5 was a host to multiple containment facilities but I'd never really realized the scale of it until I'd arrived. Hundreds of steel rooms lined dark corridors where people or things resided. They were the laboratory's test subjects- their guinea pigs.

Before joining the facility, I'd been revolted at the mere idea of using innocent people to find our own revelations. That was until I saw him. Test Subject 312.

I'd been in the lobby, aimlessly minding my own business when I heard it's roar. They had dragged it in, guns pointed menacingly at his head daring him to take a step out of line. He was angry, his body convulsing and pulsing as he attempted to undo the bonds that tied him. By this point, the whispers began to erupt around me.

"Monster" and "savage" where some of the nicer taunts and, for a split second, I believed them. Until I swear I spotted a fleeting tear rolling down the 'boys' face as he was pulled from the room and from my sight.

TEST SUBJECT 312 || JJKOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant