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a/n: how is everyone?
i'm good (still busy but good)!
also, random question, but has anyone watched umbrella academy season 2 because I've got one episode left and I'm so scared to finish >.<


The next morning I awoke to the soft light of the morning sun against my cheek as I groaned, pressing my face into the pillow and yawning obnoxiously. Moaning in annoyance, I pulled myself from the warm bed and rubbed my eyes. My restless night had not done me any good at all.

After the incident with Yoongi, I had crawled back into bed and fallen into a light sleep almost instantly. Unfortunately, I seemed to wake up another three times before I completely dozed off into peaceful sleep. The whole situation, with Yoongi and my lack of rest, infuriated me completely. I wish I was brave enough to confront him.

I trudged out of bed and sluggishly made my way to the chest of drawers. I smiled when I looked down and saw a fresh set of clothes, underwear included, neatly folded on top. I would've guessed that this was Jin's work if it wasn't for the familiar brush laid above the clothes. Jungkook must have sneaked in whilst I was sleeping.

Wasting no time, I swiftly changed into the outfit. Unlike last time, I didn't have to wear hand-me downs from the other boys and, instead, they had bought me a loose shirt and a pinafore dress. It wouldn't particularly be my first choice outfit but I wasn't going to be fussy considering it was both cute and comfortable. I combed my hair, which much more ease after Jungkook's help, and stepped out from the bedroom.

In the hall, there stood an old grandfather clock with a swinging pendulum and all. It was ten am, not too late or early much to my relief.

I had no idea where the boys would be so I took an intuitive guess and made my way to the dining room where I had met Yoongi only mere hours ago. When I had strolled in, most of the boys were in the room having idle chit chat and, when the door swung open, they all looked up.

"Hayeon!" Jimin smiled, patting the seat next to him. "You're just in time for breakfast."

The only person who wasn't present, unsurprisingly, was Namjoon; he seemed to enjoy his own company and the comfort of his office. Jimin pulled the chair out for me and I sat down and thanked him in the process. Sat in front of me was Jungkook who flashed me a grin before grabbing some cutlery and sliding it across the table so that it sat before me. I motioned my head towards him and he just shook his head, laughing.

At that moment, Jin stood up from his chair and wiped his hands onto his knitted jumper. "Breakfast will be ready. Yoongi, do you want to help?"

The aforementioned boy nodded obediently and placed the cup, that he had been drinking from, down. As he passed, he flashed me a peculiar look. For once, he didn't look spiteful or menacing and I wondered why.

When I looked back at the space where he'd been previously sat, I spotted the familiar cup that I had retrieved for him last night. So, he had gotten my peace offering after all. A feeling of satisfaction settled in the pit of my stomach and I could feel the corners of my lip curl into a smug smirk. However, my face was quickly reversed to blank when the boy re-entered the room, looking rather ill at ease.

He coughed and the room went silence as all of us, me included, turned to see what the boy wanted. He grimaced before swallowing.

"Namjoon wanted to see you. He found a way to contact your parents. Jin forgot to tell you." He hadn't even glanced at me one, instead the ceiling had become his focal point, but everyone knew that he was addressing me. He put his hands in the pockets of his ripped jeans before turning and leaving without so much of a goodbye.

"You should probably go see him now. I'll save you some food," Jungkook said tensely, biting his lip.

I nodded frenziedly, the reality of what Yoongi just said hitting me like a bucket of cold water. My parents. I could actually talk to my parents.

I wasted no time and jumped up from my chair, frantically walking to the door. Before I left, I saw the nervous smile of Jungkook as he waved me off. Flashing him a smile of reassurance, I took a wobbly breath and made my way to the large red door that I had acquainted as Namjoon's office.

I went to reach for the door knob before realising that I had forgotten my manners and not remembered to knock. I wasted no time and rapped the solid oak door with my knuckles, ignoring the stinging pain that followed, and entered.

Namjoon was sat in the same position that I had previously seen him in, when I had entered this room for the first time. However, the backdrop of the room was a bit more different, I noticed. There was still a lot of high-tech gadgets lining the room, making it seem as though we had jumped into an augmented reality game but there was significantly less. Namjoon must have noticed me looking.

"I'm planning for us to leave in the next two days. A little bit of pre-packing never hurt anyone." He pointed to the large stack of cardboard boxes where he must have been hiding the rest of the computers and televisions. "Jin sent you?"

"Umm, yeah," I said, not bothering to explain that technically Yoongi had been the one to point me in the right direction.

He smiled and pointed to a large, vintage looking telephone. "I managed to mess around with it a little bit and tweak somethings here and there but Hayeon there is something I must tell you." He sent me a serious look and I felt myself grow warm in anticipation. "This is the only time I can do this. It's too risky; MediHeal could trace us easily if something goes wrong." He stood up from his chair, stretched his legs slightly and ruffled the blonde tufts of his hair. "I'll leave you to it."

I quickly typed in my mother's phone number, remembering it distinctly from when I was a child and she made me memorise it for my own safety. The phone line began to ring and I clutched the object close to my ear, my palms slick with sweat. Please answer. Please.

The phone stopped ringing and my heart stopped in my chest, thinking that my one shot had been butchered when the the recognisable voice of my mother, with her faint lilt, filled my senses.

"Mum!" I shouted, almost jumping out of my skin. "Mum, it's me."

"Hayeon, dear. Oh gosh, I've been so worried about you. I heard that part of the laboratory had burnt down and I was terrified that you had been hurt. Why on Earth haven't you contacted us? Me and your father have been worried sick!" My tongue felt leaden in my mouth as the guilt washed over me. Maybe I shouldn't have run away with Jungkook. Maybe I should have just gone back home, to my family. It might not be too late...no. I had made my commitment and now I had to stick with it.

"I left. Mum, I couldn't stand to be there anymore." There was a pause as if my mum was pondering what to say.

"Are you coming home?"

I felt the tears build up in my eyes and threaten to overflow and I hiccuped softly. There was another pause as I tried to regain my voice. "I can't. Technically, I wasn't allowed to leave. You know what they're like."

"They're too strict on you. You're only a little girl for goodness sake." I didn't bother to correct her. "Are you safe? Do you need money?"

"I'm fine, Mum. I'm with a couple of friends and we have a place to stay. Just... if anyone comes to the house and questions you, you can't say anything. Not a word."

"I won't sweetie, I promise. I love you so much. We all do."

"I love you too," I pursed my lips as they began to wobble, my whole face preparing for the onslaught of tears. With a detached sigh, I shakily placed the phone back on the stand, hearing the line click off with a obtrusive beep. I didn't bother waiting around and quickly rushed out of the room.

"Hayeon, are you okay?" Namjoon asked, waiting outside the office for me to leave. I couldn't even gain the courage to reply and just shook my head. He gave me a sympathetic look but the pity just made me feel worse and I found myself sprinting down the hall and up the stairs.

I ran into the familiar bedroom, dived under the covers and cried.

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