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a/n: look at this amazing cover by soraMel

you guys are so incredible, I love you all so much


Jungkook sat in the cell, twiddling his thumbs in boredom. After Hayeon had left the night prior, he felt the boredom hit him in a suffocating wave. Normally boredom didn't bother him; he was certainly used to it but, after meeting a certain someone, time seemed to go much slower when she wasn't around.

He thought back to their conversation yesterday night.

You don't like it here! You want to leave just as much as I do!

She hadn't said agreed but, in all honesty, she didn't need to. Jungkook was good at reading emotions and her expression screamed for help. Like him, she wanted to get out of here even if she didn't want to admit so.

After a while of doing absolutely nothing, Jungkook decided to grab his sketchbook and flip through his old drawings and reminisce. He had done a lot of sketches in the book, so many that the book was almost bursting at its seams and each of them all had a small part of his heart. Most of them were of his hyungs or the landscapes of their old hangouts but, the most prominent feature in the book, was the odd girl who liked to keep him company. Sometimes he wondered if Hayeon was a gift sent from heaven.

He smiled fondly and carefully thumbed the corners of the pages. Just as he was going to grab the pencil and start a new piece of art, he heard a scramble outside his door.

He titled his head as he warily stood up from his bed. There was another bang from the adjoined room and he cursed that damned one-way window. If only he could see what was happening out there.

He didn't have to wait long before a figure appeared, out of nowhere, in front of him.

"Tae?" He questioned, his mouth dropping open as the body of his friend stood in front of him. He couldn't believe that this was happening. He shook his head to try and get rid of the hallucination but the boy remained, flashing him a familiar boxy smile.

"Jungkookie!" Taehyung shouted, pouncing on his friend and wrapping him up in a tight hug. "I've missed you so so so much."

Jungkook couldn't even raise his arms to return the display of affection. He had waited for this moment for an entire year and suddenly it happened out of nowhere. Surely, Hayeon would have told him about any new plans?

He couldn't worry about that at the current moment though as Taehyung's tight hug was constructing his airways. "I can't breathe," he laughed, tears appearing in the corner of his eyes.

Taehyung jumped up and giggled. "We've come to take you home?"

"What! Really?" Jungkook heart soared in his chest. "How did you get in here?"

"Hoseok's just outside and he managed to lower the soldiers' heart rates and keep them calm and I duplicated through the door." Jungkook scanned Taehyung's body and now that he looked closely, he could see the shimmer of a illusion. Taehyung must be using a lot of energy if this 'fake' body was corporeal. "You just need to break it down."

Taehyung's eyes crinkled and Jungkook felt a laugh jump up his throat. He hadn't felt this much relief in a long time.

Jungkook strolled up the door and didn't hesitate to start pounding and kicking the door. It took a while, considering it was reinforced steel, but he eventually managed to rip the door from its frame. Waiting behind, both grinning, were Taehyung and Hoseok.

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