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a/n: as we get closer and closer to the turning point in the story, it becomes so much harder to write chapters as quickly and my writers block kicks in. So this chapter isn't great but nonetheless, it is important.

ALSO, NEW COVER! I hope you like it, it's not great but I tried!

I hope everyone is staying safe <3


Jungkook whined, the pain hitting him in waves, as he pulled himself into a seated position. Instantly I rushed to his aid, placing a pillow behind his head and a hand on his lower back in attempt to steady him.

"Hey don't move too much, the doctor said that you're probably a little bit concussed." I said, examining his glazed look.

He went to speak and I hastily hushed him, remembering that it wasn't night time and, without Jeno's help, our entire conversation would be recorded. I motioned for him to wait and walked to the door of the cell, typed in a quick code and stepped into the observation room. As suspected Jeno was the only one who remained behind.

"Hey, can you turn of the cameras?" I whispered. He didn't reply, just grunted in understanding. He was still annoyed for some unbeknown reason. I noted to remember to ask him later, after I'd helped Jungkook but for now, I left him to sulk in his own misery.

"Jeno turned off the cameras," I announced, strolling back over to Jungkook's bed and jumping up to join him on the mattress. Unlike before, when he would have kicked up a riot if someone came even a metre close to his belongings, this was now the norm. We were at a point in our 'friendship' where we could be comfortable around one another.

"I don't like him," he slurred, rubbing his head and eyes simultaneously.

"Why?" This was a surprise. I thought he would be eager to discuss how this whole situation came to pass but he wanted to sit and talk about his relationship with Jeno. Maybe he was more concussed then I first thought?

"He likes you," he mumbled, his eyes flitting to the ceiling as a blush covered his cheeks.

"Of course he likes me, we're friends."

Jungkook stared at me in exasperation. "Are all girls this blind?"

"Wait you think he likes me. As in he likes me?" I said, a rambunctious laugh threatening to arise. This was certainly unexpected; I hadn't expected the conversation to take such a sudden turn.

I bit my lip trying to diffuse the laughter but i couldn't help but let a little giggle escape. Jungkook didn't look very amused at my reaction.

"Why on earth would you think that?" I chuckled.

"Jimin hyung told me that a guy's intuition about affection is always right."

"Well 'Jimin' is severely incorrect because Jeno absolutely, definitely, certainly doesn't like me like that. We're friends." With Jungkook's glower, I held up my hands in surrender. "Let's say he does like me, which he doesn't," I said, mumbling the last part under my breath. "Why is that a reason to dislike him?"

Jungkook sniffled slightly and closed his eyes. "You do realise that you're not the first person they've tried to used in an attempt to get me to talk."

My jaw dropped as realisation hit me like a truck. Maybe I had been a little bit naive when I thought that I was the first trial run but, Jeno? He'd never even mentioned it and it almost stung. Although, it did make complete sense. He knew way too much about how the system of the laboratory worked to be just an ordinary soldier.

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