His bad and good side

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"Everyone has a bad side, some master to veil it while others unleash it without a fear.....he belonged to the latter side but the only difference being....his beast knew to unleash it only when the doors have closed"


The Royal palace
12:04 a.m

"Sir!! The captive is refusing to cooperate...he says he is innocent..."

"3 rd degree....."
He said without looking up from his papers

"But....your Majesty....he may be innocent...there is no proof...he-"

"Did I asked you, Mr Smith?"

The guard bowed down his head in fear

"Did I asked you, Mr Smith!!"
He growled again making Smith shake with fear.


"Good...then let me do my work and you do yours.."

The guard nodded

"Y..es....your Majesty...."

As the guard left, the young Prince leaned back in his seat and closed his eyes.

He didn't need a fucking proof...when he has seen the captive murder in front of his eyes.

Innocence...if only it was as easy as it looks.
If only looks were not deceptive.

The Prince pulled up his coat and made his way to the torture chamber.
As soon as he opened the huge rustic door screams of agony and pain welcomed him.

The guards bowed down as he made his way to a specific cell.

The smell of blood was stronger here and he could see why.

The body was tied to a chair
The floor was turning red with blood as it seeped down from his arms and legs.

As soon as the captive's swollen eyes looked at him ..the only words escaping his bruised lips being..


"I.... didn't....do...any..thi..ng..."

The prince ignored his pleas and moved to stand behind the chair.

The captive's body shivered with anticipation and fear.

The captive felt his breath on his ear and he shivered from it.

"You know.....she would have loved to hear your pleas and see you beg for mercy.."

The captive froze and his eyes held realisation.
The prince knew.....he knew what he did two days back on the streets of his city.

"I see you remember now...good...now let's get it even.."

"No...no!!! Please!!! I beg....I ..."

"Shhhh...it will be over soon... don't worry..."
Isn't this what you said to her when you placed your shit inside her!!

The captive screamed as the prince placed a hand full of salt on the knife wound on his thighs.


"Tsk Tsk don't worry......the pain will end soon..."

"This is my kingdom and here justice is delivered by my hands, not by law...."

With this, the Prince nodded looking at one of his men and made his way out of the cell but not before giving the final order.

"I want him alive begging for death each second of his life...."

Crushing On Your Majesty;The girl he hatedWhere stories live. Discover now