I don't need you

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"Why did you do it!"

She stood behind him with arms crossed in front of her chest.
Her eyes glaring at him through the mirror.

Least bothered he continued to adjust his hair in the mirror.
Not taking note of her presence.

"Don't you have the decency to knock before you barge inside shrieking like a Banshee?"

Ignoring the stupid name she stepped closer to him,tired of getting his favours every time she gets in trouble.

"Who told you to go and suspend them! They bullied me...it was my problem...why do you always have to interfere and act like a damn hero?"

He smirked , enjoying her fit of anger till it lasts.

"Chivalry isn't dead Stalker...plus I am against bullying so they got this coming"

Composing herself she took a deep breath and started again.
Her finger pointed towards him as she spoke.

"See your majesty I appreciate your help but I -"


"I really appreciate it but I am not-"


"What !!"
She nearly screamed at him, irritated with him interrupting her again and again.

He stood calmly enjoying her temper tantrum.
His eyes focused on her finger pointed towards him.

"Lower it Stalker"

She didn't,instead poking it on his chest she continued.

"I am not a damsel in distress and nor are you my Knight in shining armour.
So it's better if you mind yo-"

"Lower your damn finger stalker,I hate it when someone does that"

She has so important things to say and this man here was more concerned about her pointed finger.

"I won't now you listen good. Don't ever I repeat ever do me any other favour again. I hate being indebted to likes of you"

Her eyes shining with determination ,with chin held up and eyes narrowed.

He rolled his eyes at this little mouse's bravery.
Indebted indeed she was .
And he was going to collect his payment very soon.

"Don't you think it's considered ill-mannered standing in a person's house and threatening him just because he saved your sorry excuse of an ass ?"

His fingers coiling around her finger that pointed towards him.
To only have him hold her wrist and push her towards him.

Her wide eyes staring at him as she struggled to escape from his steel grip on her wrist.

"Stop giving yourself so much importance. This is my kingdom and I rule the way I want.
As for your disrespect to the the next king in line I can have you thrown in the basement and make you stay in there till you learn to control this attitude of yours"

His threatening words instead of scaring her did the very opposite.
Her hand turned to fists as she laid small punches on his hard chest.

Sweat running down her forehead and hair running wild in all directions.
He enjoyed seeing the little mouse struggle in his grip.

Her words not very sweet but definitely amusing.

"You fudging caterpillar!! Leave my arm!! You piece of bird shit!! I said leave it!!
Leave it befor-"

She couldn't complete.
His other hand gripped her neck firmly and pulled her face towards him.
His lips centimetres away from her.

"You wanna shut it stalker or you prefer me punishing that pretty mouth of yours ?"

Crushing On Your Majesty;The girl he hatedWhere stories live. Discover now