At his place

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Daniel pov

I have met a lot of girls in my life, had one night stands with no strings attached.

But when it comes to my little mouse, I don't know why but she has got me addicted.

I blame it on her though.

On her consistent shy glances, on that badass attitude of hers, on that oversized t-shirts, she wears and especially on her persistent ways of glancing at me or better stalking me.

Her looks are simple
Like any other average girl.
Not an extraordinary beauty that would make me look twice at her.

But if you look at her closely, like I am doing right now.
I bet you won't be able to find any flaw in her.

We are driving to my private condo and she is casually asleep on the passenger seat.
Her face is leaning on the car window.

So let me tell you what even I am not able to understand very clearly.

First, my stalker is shy in 2 feets distance from me but bold in front of everyone else.
This very thing makes me pull her closer to me and make her blush in all colours of shyness.

Second, she is naive
So fuck*** naive that I want to protect her from all those who even dare to look at her with wrong intentions.

Third, the very quality that makes me want to have her close.
Her selflessness.
Her nature to sacrifice for others, her love for those she cares for.

A small smile is present on my lips as I turn off the ignition and stare at my stalker.

I like her hair down, the way I can play with them like my own.
I know it sounds weird but to be honest, I like how soft they are to touch.
How soothing it is for my mind when I twirl her flick on my fingers.

Placing her flick behind her ear, I stare at her face.
Those lips don't need lipstick, their natural plump is already driving me crazy.
Her cheeks, how easily they blush with my closeness.

I move my face closer to her, trying to inhale her heavenly fragrance when I saw her eyes open.

Not expecting her to wake up, I look back into those black orbs to see the surprise.

I didn't move back, instead, I held her stare and there it was.
The blush I was wondering about.

Her eyes shyly look down and I can't explain how I good it felt.
Her shyness does something to me.

It sparks something inside me which I never intended to ignite.

"Your maj...esty"

Her voice, her stutters make me lose my control.
I have to fist my palms and look away from her to control my urges.

Damn you, Evalinge Williams.

"Come on, we are there"

Stepping out of the car, she still looks down.
Trying to hide her blush once again.

My eyes look at her from top to down, wondering how my staff will react to seeing her.
They will be surprised for sure, I mean she was in complete contrast to my usual type.

I just hope that they don't inform my parents, I don't want trouble in paradise.

She was waiting to follow my lead, shifting from one leg to another.
Moving towards her, I clasped her hands with mine and took her along.

"Where is this place?"

She asked in surprise as she looked up at the skyscraper.
Her eyes widening when she took in the highest tower building in my kingdom.

Crushing On Your Majesty;The girl he hatedTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon