The colour of blood

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"So your majesty, we meet again"
Said Charlie while approaching Daniel from behind.

Daniel's grip on the handle of the locker tightened but he refused to react.
Ignoring him he continued to place his books back in the locker

"I see you are not happy to see me"

Slamming the locker Daniel looked back at him.
His stare enough to make anyone bow in respect, but Charlie was not just anyone.

Charlie chuckled while leaning back against the locker

"Come on Daniel, it's been 3 years already? Don't you miss me"

His smirk made Daniel burn with fury, clenching his fists he tried to hide it.
He tried moving past him but Charlie blocked his way.

"Okay fine.. don't react but at least introduce me to your girlfriend! I am sure she will be happy to know some secrets only I know"

Instantly Daniel has grabbed him from his neck and slammed him on the lockers behind.
The force was enough to make all the lockers shake with force.

His face closing into the boy who still managed to smirk at him.
Happy to push his buttons

"Sensitive subject huh?"

This time Daniel tightened his grip on his neck but the stubborn boy refused to accept defeat.

"You stand on my land Miller, think before you speak or your next words can end you"

Charlie looked least concerned by his grip.
His calmness making Daniel's anger fuel further.

"End me? Just like you ended her?"

Instead of attacking, Daniel moved back.
He has to control his temper or else the aftereffects will be really bad.

Picking up the remaining books Daniel sidestepped him.
Looking ahead and ignoring his stare.

But as soon as he moved past him, the boy whispered near his ear

"I promise you, Daniel...I promise to repeat history.
But this time you will feel what I felt.
You will stand in my place"

"I will get my revenge and the girl... what's her name..hmm Eva...she will die just like-"

Before he could complete, Daniel attacked like an unleashed beast.
Blood was what he wanted to see and each punch directed to the boy's face did just that.

" ...her!!"
Daniel said in between his punches.
Everyone stopped to see what was going on.

Daniel's anger was like an event once in a blue moon.
No one saw their rightful prince lose his temper before.

But that was not what made them all gawk.
It was the force behind his punches, the blood on the boy's face and the hidden animosity between the two.

Charlie like a psychopath smiled on getting hit.
Like he was celebrating some sort of victory, even when each punch broke something inside his body.

While everyone surrounded them with no one daring to interfere, a figure walked in with shaking legs.
Her scared eyes assessing the damage her crush was doing.

Blood never was a problem, she herself has drawn it quite often.
But when this blood belongs to someone you love.

It's not just their blood, it's your heart that breaks along.
Each blow on the face she loved so dearly was a punch to her insides.

She only wanted one thing and she did it before giving a damn about anything else.

She wanted to stop his pain
To stop the drowning of her heart, no matter the consequences.

Crushing On Your Majesty;The girl he hatedWhere stories live. Discover now