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i woke up the next day almost forgetting i was sleeping in taehyung's room.

i turned around and saw him hugging a pillow.

i softly smiled at him,before getting up.

i went over to my room and checked my phone.

i saw a missed call from jimin and a text from wheein.

i responded to them both.

as i was talking to jimin on the phone catching up on some stuff, i did my hair and got ready since wheein texted asking if i would want to hang out with her today.

so i got dressed and did my hair.

i noticed i didn't feel as sick as the other days and felt better.

the medication i used seemed to help, however i still felt stuffy.

i went downstairs and made breakfast.

i heard taehyung walked down the stairs trying to fix his tie.

"ugh y/n.." he complained.

i stopped what i was doing and walked over to him.

"you know this is getting super annoying, you can't look up how to tie it or something."

"yeah, but you're my girlfriend/wife remember you have to help me tie my tie." he said smiling.

i scoffed at his excuse.

"i forgot we're still doing that." i said recalling what we talked about more than a few days ago.


i placed his plate on the table as i sat down and began eating.

"so what are you doing today?" taehyung asked.

"oh wheein invited me to hang out today." i said.

taehyung nodded.


taehyung dropped me by a different korean barbecue place.

i said goodbye before closing the door.

i walked in and saw wheein sitting at the table. i went up to her and sat down.

we started talking about a bunch of random things.

i told her about all the stuff that has happened lately.

the day seemed pretty basic as we just hanged out, drank soju,eat, shop around.

i waited by the park i usually go too so taehyung can pick me up.

i couldn't stop smiling as i felt really happy about today.

i soon met up with taehyung.

he wasn't wearing his suit like this morning instead just casual clothing.

we went out for dinner instead of eating at home.

we were just talking for a bit not really having much of a conversation.

"do you think we should have nicknames for each other?" taehyung asked.

Winter Bear ||Kim Taehyung Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ