~21~ (end)

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a week has passed now.

and i still felt unsure to tell him or not.

we've seemed to not fight at all anymore, and not hate each other's presence, we've been going out with each other more frequently now.

mainly because were kinda "dating" for fun i guess.

we were walking around at a different park drinking tea.

i felt now would be the best time to tell him, but i honestly couldn't as i felt a bit scared too do so.

i thought about waiting to make sure i was sure about what my feelings were.

i have noticed now i would kinda feel happy being around him.

just be overall blush and have butterflies around him.

i felt taehyung intertwine his hand with mine.

i looked up at him kind of panicking.

"i mean, i see others do it i wanted to try it too." he said while swing are arms back and fourth.

we decided to sit down at a bench to rest for a bit.

we both looked up the beautiful night sky.

i looked at the pretty twinkling stars.

i felt taehyung staring at me making me feel a bit nervous.

"what?" i asked.

"nothing you just seem really pretty tonight."

"oh...i um...t-thank you" i said stammering.

he didn't call me ugly this time...

i felt my cheeks get warm, i was really happy that it was dark so he wouldn't see me blushing.

i felt Taehyung lean his head on my shoulder making me even more nervous.

i kept panicking a not knowing what to do a part of me wants to get up and run, while the other honestly feels happy.

"i love you" he said making me freeze.

i sat there coming up with things too say i couldn't even think properly.

then again we're fake "dating" so he probably said it for that reason.

i thought about it making me feel upset as i wished it real.

"wow, you're really good at this fake "dating" thing i said" nervously laughing.

taehyung stood up and looked at me dead serious.

"i'm not faking it this time."

i sat there still fake laughing still not knowing what to do.

"um...you w-what?"

"i said i love you..."

"i have realized that i have gained feelings for you for a while now, idon't know if you've seen how i act differently around you now... i guess being in this whole forced marriage thing. i have started liking you. i have thought for a while on how i would tell you."

i sat there feeling happy and shocked at the same time.

"i honestly feel the same, i have noticed i've started to gain feelings too at first i was confused on how i should react to it. until that one time you kissed me, i couldn't stop smiling and i knew very well i started to like you...i was just scared to tell you." i confessed to him still staring at him

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