7. The Favour

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Victor was beside himself with joy. The Greyson Manor was all his---at least for a few days. Victor had dismissed the staff early, but not before asking the chef to whip up a meal of lasagne--under the guise that he was expecting a Greyson family member to visit.

Victor had helped himself to a long, relaxing bath. He had also spoiled himself by wearing Julian's comfortable gown and bedroom slippers. He glided down the stairs, headed to the kitchen then inhaled the cheesy aroma that wafted in the air. It was good to be alone.

He grabbed a plate of lasagne then took the head seat in the dining room. For a tiny moment, he pretended that he was the master of Greyson Manor. Just as he lifted the fork to his parted mouth, a familiar voice called out.

Victor groaned before tossing the fork on the plate in exasperation. He froze when he heard a feminine voice saying, "Well, well, well."

He jumped out of his seat and whirled around to find Kennedy Greyson smirking at him. "M-Miss Greyson, I was not expecting you." He said rather nervously.

"Clearly." Kennedy giggled as she took in his appearance. Victor's cheeks turned beet red when he realised that Kennedy was looking at her brother's gown and sleepers.

"Can I help you with anything? Are you hungry or--" Victor swallowed.

Kennedy looked at Victor's flustered state in amusement. She had never seen the usually put-together butler so frazzled. She kissed him on the cheek then headed upstairs.

Victor watched her as she disappeared upstairs. Why was Kennedy Greyson here?


"You look sad, Miss Simo." Charlie observed, whilst he solved some addition sums in his math exercise book.

"You think so?" Lin offered him a weak smile before rising to her feet. She closed the back door, cutting out the setting sun's warm rays.

"Uh-huh, you've been frowning for a while now." Charlie pointed out without looking up from his work. Just like his father, Charlie unnerved him. Two days with Charlie and she had already assessed his character: calm, intelligent, observant and surprisingly positive.

"I wish you acted more like a kid." Lin chuckled as she checked on his math sums, they were unsurprisingly correct.

"Miss Simo, it's normal for people to stare at you right?" Charlie asked, placing his pencil on his white paged exercise book. Lin, who was now chopping a tomato frowned at such an odd question.

"It depends, Charlie," Lin started slowly. "Why do you ask?"

"There was a man outside the playground fence staring at me. He looked at me strangely." Charlie said thoughtfully.

"Strange how?" Lin's hand was now shaking nervously.

"He was watching me until the bell rang." Charlie said. Lin turned around to look at him, the little boy looked unperturbed. Lin's hairs stood on end. She didn't want to think that the man watching Charlie had something to do with heist mess. But she'd be foolish not to think so.

"Carry on with your homework Charlie, I need to call your father." She told him, trying to keep her voice level.


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